Friday, May 25, 2012

Feelin hot...

I wasn't even gonna upload this here .... it only feels half finished OTL on BG block again lol. And I totally wasn't gonna draw an entire beach...

Anyway, =Speedeh and *LadyLoriel wanted me to draw Scott naked and I was like ASDFGHJKL NO and they (well, Nel) were like ASDFGHJKL YES and I was like ASDFGHJKL IN SPEEDOS and they was like ASDFGHJKL YAY!!
LOL. He loves the beach I think, he's quite outdoors-y, likes fresh air and just walking around and sight seeing c:
But really. He's just super hot. No reason needed. Jason is a lucky bitch >XD
Body hair is weeeeird :U I just used a grass brush, lolololol *shot*
So yup. BG fail. Anatomy improving~
Hope you love it xx

Emerald High © ~Pinkaila 2012.

Critiques NOT desired.

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