Friday, March 14, 2014

Gift: I got style~

Little (early birthday??) gift for :iconkaristal: :iconlainloveplz:
Her beyond sassy and oh-so beautiful Maxine <333 I barely know her and I bloody love her!! 8’D (well, you know I love all your characters by default, Kay >u> <u< *slapped*)

Did this in my hiatus o3o so I guess I had some time to play around with it. And LOL, I almost forgot about the bubble/circle BG thing I used to do X’D maybe her very fashionable fashion reminded me of the lame EH fashion pics I used to make? 8P
(I really love how this came out............. I’m not even sure why X’D)

Blah anyway!! SUCH a pleasure to draw her ;u; lovin your shiny new project honey :icontearplz: I must know mooooore~~~

Hope you love it :la:
Maxine/Ourselves © Karistal 2014
Artwork © Pinkaila 2014