Wednesday, February 5, 2014


So err...................................... Busts are fun?  :iconicamespeechlesslyplz: *slapped*

Lol, even though I’ve only done a few (blame Speedeh <33) Yes. They are very fun o3o

And since I’m apparently good at expressions and often suffer bouts of art block due to trying to think up and produce something actually worth completing, err, yeah... random silly busts/headshots it is :dummy:
Also a chance to maybe dress them a little different. Blah, shall see~

Cory - “Why U no date meh?!” presumably at Kexi X’D
Karl - KARL UPSET?!??!? The truth has been revealed 8U That Karl does, in fact, have actual human feelings 8U #Everybody gasp now!!# (Lolol, I imagine he looks like this after making Amilia cry... But she can’t see him for tears. Yep XP)
Krissie - Eyeing up Sammi’s bum, I’m sure, ahuu >u> <u<
Jason - Having a nice morning chat with his mom :3... That, as you can probably guess, ends up as an argument, as usual lol :XD:

Still trying to find a decent h/light style X'D and I dunno WTF I did with the letters.... oh well :icon0u0plz:
Hope you love it :la:

Characters/Artwork © Pinkaila 2014

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