Saturday, February 15, 2014


Ahuhuu, ya can’t win huh Sammi? >u> shower a girl in gifts she’ll think you’re a needy-nut, give her nothing she’ll probably eat you alive :dummy:......... 

Lolol, but yeah, Krissie prefers small or no gifts X’D simply coz she hates feeling in debt to people o3o So probably-cheap (or stolen) flowers from Daisy’s mom’s gift shop it is!! :iconimhappyplz:

Random comic idea. I simply wanted to make something for Valetine's daaaaaay~ :iconhartplz:
And hey, I might of found a reasonable way to make a big/crowded BG, ffff 8U yay silhouettes!!

Mature content coz penis doodle OuO
Hope you love it :la:

Emerald High © Pinkaila 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


So....... Cory bakes stuff. 

Now and then... 


With his mom....... 

Coz he’s awesome :XD:

And I guess this is late Season 1 Cory? XD since he has a bit more hair and isn’t crying in the corner in shame when people discover his amazing (apparently “gay”) baking talents?!! :dummy:
So yeah, by then he’ll finally be proud. Plus, ya know, girls dig guys that can cook them delicious things >u> <u< *hugs Cory’s legs*

And yeeeeaaaah, I know it looks like a freakin Xmas tree!!! 8D but alas, he’s a total show off ;3 (bet this was for a school baking contest anyways lolol)~

Hope you love it :la:

Cory/Artwork © Pinkaila 2014
Bristles 02 brush © it’s respective owner
Star #2 brush © it’s respective owner
000z brush © GIMP

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sonic boom... review?

So err, I didn't plan on making my first kinda sorta "review" on this blog Sonic related lol....... but I just HAVE to blab about this somewhere!!! *_____________*
(preferably somewhere I wont end up ranting at my friends 8'D...)

SOOOOOOO. OMG. When I first seen a random pic somewhere on FB of Sonic with a scarf and blue arms I was like, "oh? fanart interpretation?" and so, I scroll a little further to find video links of trailers and stuff for a brand new Sonic game and I just internally spaz for a moment X'D (coz even though I WAS crazy over Sonic many years ago I still get a little excited over stuff from SEGA >u<)

And yeah, cut to le chase I think o3o


OK, I totally agree that he was tiny skinny before and obviously didn't physically look like he could lift a brick 8'D My thoughts throughout playing Sonic heroes, to be honest... I mean, the other Teams in that game had buff Vector, an overweight cat and a freakin robot!! XD how on earth (or Mobius. If they still live there) can Knuckles compare in strength type?? D8

So yeah, my personal opinion: he's a little too big in Boom really D; fair enough, SEGA coulda just buffed him up a little so it looked noticeable... unless they were seriously going for noticeable, of course X''D
Buuuuuuuuuut, considering the size of Vector and Storm, at least Knuckles fits in their body type category now, I guess 8U

I'd honestly like to think that the Sonic Boom versions are OLDER VERSIONS. It would make a million times more sense, wouldn't it?? 8''D <333
Like how Sonic's gradually grown arm hair XD Knuckles has err... just grown, Amy looks rather seductive (especially in image below lolol) and Tails... well, he looks less childish and more actually useful? 8D...

But beyond all the controversial redesigns!! A new CGI TV SERIES OMG ;;u;; and it's apparently a comedy adventure..... COMEDY. Sonic + Comedy can only = amazing <333 (really hope it airs in my country....coz I'm apparently a male between 4-12 years old like that -u-')
Lol, I don't care!! Have always adored Sonic, probably always will >3< don't give a CRAP what anyone else says or thinks *huggles Sonic's new long sexy legs*~

Speaking of long legs!!! I actually used to draw him with longer legs anyway X''D fav version of Sonic and co. was probably the Sonic Rider's ones.... (left) which were clearly a taller/stretched look of the original versions lolol and, err much bigger hands O3O

Where was I? OTL
TV SERIES. One point I wanted to mention (as some have on various sites comments) is that perhaps they changed Knuckles look FOR comedy reasons. Gotta love a big guy huh?? ;D <33

Aaaaand, I must say the Environments look amazing *u*...... always loved the epic, natural BGs in Sonic games <333 (especially the Wisps planet in Colors, baaaaw that grass at the start so lovely ;u; )

And, to a degree, glad to see SEGA take a risk with the designs and ideas >u> <u< gotta admire them for that right?? Not giving much crap about what fans want/think and just doing whatever the feel is best or more fun 8''D (not sarcastic at all, honestly lol.)

That said..... SEGA have tried a lot of random things with the Sonic series though OTL

(Warning: Negativity OMG!!!!)
Like turning him into a slow-ass hairy Werehog, putting him on hoverboards he's surely 100 times faster than, sending him into alternate story book universes and wielding swords, having romances with humans, giving him another somewhat "twin" with Silver, getting him to meet his mute past-self, teaming up with Mario to play sports to maybe widen his popularity..........

LOL,  putting it that way I sound like a fan alright, pfffft. But yeah, maybe SEGA is trying to hard recently ;;3;;
I personally, loved Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Colors and Sonic Chronicles: Dark brotherhood <333
Without rambling any longer, lolol, I adore how "real" Brotherhood felt 8'D with the characters personalities and conversations (shyeah, I'm a character-nut apparently X'D)

Oh well, I probably can't get the Sonic Boom game (not owning a Wii U or 3DS yet D'8) but hopefully I get to watch some of the TV series and make my ultimate judgments then....... 
HOOHOHOOHOHOHOOO!!! *failed Eggman laugh derp*

Thanks for reading/skimming!! <3

Thursday, February 6, 2014

New year, new blog!!

Soooo err.................................... this blog used to be exclusively for Emerald High related stuff...

But since I'm recently much more focused on myself, my interests and hoping to do new, random things this year (coz my mind is expanding/bored like that lolol) this is now simply my personal blog for artwork, random reviews and personal thoughts <333

Random reviews? I've been meaning to do such things for aaaages, ha (have unused review blog on here somewhere OTL)

So yes!! I will do a TV show/movie/Anime/Webcomic/Video game review now and then! 8'D will be fun and help me be more insightful and appreciative of people's hard work, hopefully >u< <33

I've also made this blog more public.... it's now listed on Blogger and Google search or whatever XD can only comment if you're a member though ouo so err, hi random reader?? *tumbleweed*

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


So err...................................... Busts are fun?  :iconicamespeechlesslyplz: *slapped*

Lol, even though I’ve only done a few (blame Speedeh <33) Yes. They are very fun o3o

And since I’m apparently good at expressions and often suffer bouts of art block due to trying to think up and produce something actually worth completing, err, yeah... random silly busts/headshots it is :dummy:
Also a chance to maybe dress them a little different. Blah, shall see~

Cory - “Why U no date meh?!” presumably at Kexi X’D
Karl - KARL UPSET?!??!? The truth has been revealed 8U That Karl does, in fact, have actual human feelings 8U #Everybody gasp now!!# (Lolol, I imagine he looks like this after making Amilia cry... But she can’t see him for tears. Yep XP)
Krissie - Eyeing up Sammi’s bum, I’m sure, ahuu >u> <u<
Jason - Having a nice morning chat with his mom :3... That, as you can probably guess, ends up as an argument, as usual lol :XD:

Still trying to find a decent h/light style X'D and I dunno WTF I did with the letters.... oh well :icon0u0plz:
Hope you love it :la:

Characters/Artwork © Pinkaila 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Value your art

At first, I won't deny it, I was very sad when I noticed I could not as good as I wanted it or create works as impressive as the DDs we see here daily
then I understood... I didn´t felt that before internet. 
Before displaying myself online I was just drawing because I loved it, because I wanted to put my feelings and ideas in drawings 
I didn´t care to be better or worst than anyone, just being happy and make a living of it :aww:
Internet trully harmed my artistic self steem and the value of my own work, and even myself, but then I started to remember when was the last time I felt happy of my own stuff, that happyness when the only thing I was seeking wasn´t the online aproval, it was my own satisfaction.

At the end, that´s all that matters :)