Saturday, August 3, 2013

Gift: Ooh a butterfly!

Gift for :iconspeedeh: :iconlainloveplz:
I just doodled Kirsty for pose practice to be honest X’D Then accidentally colored it and made a BG. Yep~
A simple, semi-realistic BG lol, but a BG none the less 8D *slapped* was inspired by that pic of her you did chasing a butterfly, hehe, she such a cutie eue <333 so fun to draw her ;u;
Hope you love it :la:

DSN (Death Side Narcolepsy) © =Speedeh 2013. 
Grass and cloud brushes © their respective owners, and can be found here (somewhere OTL):…

P.S. Snazzy new browser is snazzy *3*

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