Thursday, June 28, 2012

Epic planniiiing~

So the idea of doing a timeline and cramming all my ideas into, presumably, 2 full school years took off earlier this week!

Why does that sound like a newsreel?... Anyway, what was stumping me was I had no idea where to start .3. one idea was to show each of my (kind of) main characters whole lives before they even met each other. It was going to be a chapter for each one (comic wise) and would have took too long and was generally not important and took away the idea of it even being titled/set in a High school 8U

So I started where I originally DID start lol; With Jason and Sammi starting EH. The others come into it later, a year later, to be exact... there's some timing issues I need to work out OTL but I guess they can become somewhat best friends within 3 months right? *shot* Ugh. Unless EH is a 8th-12th grade school yeah, I have no idea what to even call the 8the grade, pre-freshman? 8| blah. I'll figure something plausible out~

In the mean time just sorting out and cramming in every damn idea I've ever had 8D

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