Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Err eyez...

One of the tradish practice things I did when I went on a doodle-spree :XD: which lasted............................ a day *bricked*

Anyways, I often doodle realistic eyes actually :icondesueyeplz:U:icondesueyeplz: they just so gorgeous <333
Added no.15 last minute, since I loved how no.3 turned out X'D I like most of them really, though some look a bit plain for my liking. . . blah well, I tried :dummy:

And yep, I adore odd eye colors :'D even some of my EH cast have weird eye colors. . . yeah, I’m mentioning EH again :XD: I’m hopeless~

Artwork/random eyes © Pinkaila 2014

More semi-realism stuff here! (though not much yet lol)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sea of hair~

I like hair. But this is ridiculous :icon0u0plz:

So I started off intending to draw a girl just breathing in the breeze and err, it ended up as a woman, presumably under water, with way too much (sexy) hair :dummy:. . . yay for spontaneous tradish art <333

I haven’t used pencils for yeeeaars!! Please don’t eat me :'D just trying stuff ATM~~
And I managed to fill 6 pages last night. . . which is the most I've drawn in, like, a year? :XD:

Artwork/Random woman (who resembles EH’s Akzetah actually o3o) © Pinkaila 2014

Critiques NOT desired

More semi-realism stuff here! (though not much yet lol)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Trade: My little hero~

Trade with :iconladyloriel: :iconlainloveplz:
Hell, she hasn’t even drawn Junta and Chinta together yet herself >u> but I knew they'd look awesome together!! ;D couldn’t resist after reading Chinta was his bodyguard 8''D <333 (hence title lolol)~

I await my half hon :heart:

Hope you love it :la:

Junta/Chinta/Warriors of Akrir © LadyLoriel 2014
Artwork © Pinkaila 2014
Star brush © Err, someone OTL

More trades with friends!! :iconyaayplz:


Coz plaid shirts are sexy~~ :heart:
Especially hooded plaid shirts. . . I want one for myself 8| <33

Heh, I did plan on doing more random fashion-y pics like I did last year X’D but with ma boys this time, will seeeee >3<

Even after aaaaaaaall these years Jason’s still my freakin' favourite!! 8'D *hunted down by rest of OCs*
And I do love to dress him up, nomnom :iconicameplz:

Lol, well, I went overboard with the dotty BG thing again, whoops :XD: but I do adore the look, quite grungy eue <33
Hope you love it :la:

Jason/EHS/Artwork © Pinkaila 2014

Critiques NOT desired

More in the (unintentional) art series:
Prom run~ by Pinkaila I know I'm gorgeous~ by Pinkaila Summer lovin' by Pinkaila Precious in pink~ by Pinkaila And you are? by Pinkaila

OH!! And here’s a tradish version I made for fun :dummy: