Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hot choc bunny

Just a doodle/rushed pic for Easter!! :dummy: coz I'm late like that~~ bunny 
I was gonna add an overly-colorful BG but it just looked a mess, so yep :XD:
What can I say......... it's freakin Sammi in a bunny suit!! :icontearplz: :heart: (well, bunny hoodie..... I want one)

Hope you love it :la:

Sammi/Emerald High/Artwork © Pinkaila 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

Pushing Daisy...

I started this. . . 

In November last year :iconfacepokerplz:

Coz I procrastinate like that~~

Lol, I just got the sudden urge one day to draw Daisy on a swing at a slightly weird angle and I can’t even remember why now :dummy:. . . But hey, at least it’s summer now :’D (was cold when I drew it lol)

:bulletblack: This has been on my desktop, haunting me, for a few months now e3o. . . I flat colored it then put it to one side. But when I got my Wacom Tablet I used it as a coloring guinea pig and for tablet practice and blah it took forever!! 8’D. . . So yep. Ignore probably-wrong-perspective legs XD
Colored lineart coz it looked nice when I tried it out o3o so soft~

Really must stop drawing Daisy so much. . . I don’t even know why I do!! :icongwahplz: coz she’s freakin adorable??? Yeah probably :heart:

Hope you love it :la:

Daisy/Emerald High/Artwork © Pinkaila 2014
Grass and Freckles Brushes © Their respective owners!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blue swan~

Sooo, um, I wanted to try out some realism but it ended up a semi-toon thing o3o
Found some lovely references for a ballerina poses <333 they so beautiful and this was a nice simple one to start with, I felt~ :heart:

I think I was inspired by a documentary I watched not long ago *u* about a load of wannabe ballet dancers that had to learn Swan lake in a few months. Was sooo interesting!! :la:

And well, since it’s a semi-real style, thought I’d try a different soft coloring too X’D then threw some brushes in to make a BG ta-da!!
Dunno what else to say...................... random but I love it 8'D <333

Hope you love it :la:

Random blue ballerina/Artwork © Pinkaila 2014

Brushes used: 
*star* #1, Circle Brush-1, Crosshatch_08 © their respective owners
All brushes I use can be found here:… um somewhere OTL
I fav all brushes I download!! ;u; even if I can't/don't link each one, sorries~

Pose reference/inspiration:…

Critiques NOT desired

P.S. Last thing I finished before my laptop committed suicide 8D so yeah, I guess it's special? Lol. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Random doodle o3o of Kexi’s little sister Maya <333 with her precious (and quite gross and old) bear, Crackers 8'D. . . No idea why he’s called that. 

Only properly designed her a few weeks ago X’D and she’s just too adorkable not to draw!! ( though errrrrrrr, now that I look at her, she may have been inspired by Wreck-It-Ralph’s Vanellope e3o. . . damn my subconscious OTL)

And err, I found an even easier (messier) way to do bubble BGs :dummy:. . . maybe too messy? yeah I dunno but I like it. 

Hope you love it :la:

Maya/Emerald High/Artwork © Pinkaila 2014

Critiques NOT desired


More busty busts :heart: of ma boys who I need to draw more X’D (seriously. I find myself doodling and thinking about my girls all the time, asdfghjkl, MUST FIX!!)

Andrew = Mr Can-dish-sh!t-but-can’t-take it.
Joey = Mr Nice-but-know-it-all.
Scott = Mr buff-but-soft-as-fluff.
Summer = Mr outgoing-but-awkward. And yeah, he probably just saw a pen!s :U

Don’t mind Karl. He’s just plotting the best way to murder Joey o3o

And err, Nomemon (nommy-mon) is a totally original in-comic comic about weird animals that you capture and train to defeat the crap outta other people’s weird animals?? :dummy:*sued by Nintendo*

Hope you love it :la:
Characters/Emerald High/Artwork © Pinkaila 2014

Critiques NOT desired