Thursday, November 27, 2014

Sonic Boom rantage yay

Just some obsessive blah I've been gradually writing over the past couple weeks...... X'D
And unless you're somewhat of a fan of Sonic this will probably not interest you in the slightest 8D
But Sofie said she'd maybe read it anyway *slapped*

Random GIF :3

WARNING: Loooooooooooooooooooooong asSonicslegs *slapped*

Date: 3/11/2014

Like everyone in Autumn 2013, I was weirded out and confused by the mostly subtle but also dramatic changes to the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise... 

The idea of Sonic having blue arms struck me as odd-looking, BUT like all and any changes in a franchise or our lives and such, we just GRADUALLY get used to it~~

And I must admit I was also taken aback by Knuckles design lol. I was “WTF?????” for a few weeks after discovering it, HA... But now? I genuinely love it <33 hear me out: 

All of the Power type characters in the Sonic series are bigger than Knuckles; Vector, Storm, Big etc. and even before all the Boom controversy I used to question the logic of Knuckles strength compared to his build... I mean, c’mon. He’s the EXACT same build and height as Sonic in Heroes right?? By logic, Sonic should be able to smash stuff, unless of course Knuckles real “power” was in his boxer-style gloves. Where did his strength come from otherwise?? Inner force magic? Shyeah right... It just makes NO sense if you’re seriously analyzing it and whatever lol. 

Logic aside, Knuckles looks pretty cool in the lineup!! And certainly demonstrates some much needed diversity within the main characters~ Most of the main characters were about the same height and shape, which looks odd when you think about it... Sure, there’s the power types I mentioned before, they have sonic-world-boundry-defying body types, but still. I actually find Knuckles WAY more attractive as a buff guy HA!! I’m probably just weird... 

While we’re on the subject of weird-inducing attractive fictional characters (yeah) I’ve always drew, imagined and WANTED Sonic and Co to be taller ;;u;; they’ve always just... Been so short to me. Think back to Sonic’s original design; he was tiiiiny and cute and round and stuff. Then I actually really liked the Riders versions; big hands, long limbs, although they did look very disproportioned when I look back... 

Now?? Sonic’s freakin GORGEOUS to me lol!!! Adore his slender and tall figure so damn much in Boom trailers <333 them long, skinny legs when he skids and spins towards the screen... I just-just-just, I find Sonic sexy OK???? I am weird :3

Like.... Seriously. It’s almost like my perfect, ideal version of him has some true... And hell, I always imagined Knuckles to be more on the muscular side anyway... And err, Tails and Amy? I never used to like Tails... Even less so in Colors since he was just a miserable, blank-faced dork OTL I wanted him to be less plain and cute and more, I dunno, anything?? I’ve always loved the smart side of Tails, so it’s AWESOME they’ve made him more humorous in Boom from what I’ve seen >u<

Amy..... Errrr, now I think back to Sonic X (which, by the way, was the thing that got me obsessed with Sonic in the first place LOL) Amy was very much like Misty from Pokemon or something.... That cute but very angry crazy fan girl vibe has kinda always been her thing...... Yeah. And it was getting super weird and annoying anyway XD the way Amy would randomly show up for no reason searching and stalking for Sonic totally everywhere, like OMG AMY GET A LIFE!! Lol.... 

Well, apparently she has a life in Boom, as she’s much more independent and probably barely swoons over Sonic at all.... Heh, I’d love if she played hard to get and stubborn over the love idea actually!! Like, Sonic may actually pay attention to her now she’s not driving him up the walls with her obsessiveness... She seems like a leader in Boom so far, the mother almost, trying to handle and help all her crazy “sons” HA. I guess someone has to be the sane one, shame it has to be the franchises leading lady, but hey, Sticks is crazy character too from what I know of her lol. In short, Amy is actual NEEDED in Boom!! To keep the peace? To manage everyone? Hell, to operate everything!! Coz, ya know, girls are awesome like that~

Sticks....... Initially I disliked the name. It’s just so... Simple and unisex and kinda soundless. Just... Sticks. Like SEGA just had a meeting and said “OK guys, we need a name that sticks!”.... “how about Sticks?!”......... yeeeaaah. I’m sure I thought of a possibly better name but I can’t recall what now, ha. Something, ANYTHING jungle/native related. There’s loads of “words” out there if that’s what they wanted!! After all, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Blaze, Shadow, Big etc. are simply words... With the Sonic world’s naming logic I guess Sticks works perfectly (shrugs). 

I know there was some controversy over Sticks looking like Marine I think? I didn’t who Marine was (since I haven’t played Rush adventure which I think she was in), but when I stumbled across the similarity stuff all over the internet, I couldn’t help but think SEGA has a (quite bad) habit of repeating designs and colors sometimes... 

Another example of that would be a Boom character concept I came across somewhere. Her name was Perci... She struck me as a cross between Julie-Su, Wave and Blaze... Sort of. With the lilac and purple spiked hair and the rest of her just SCREAMED Julie-Su from the Archie comics... Whatever animal she’s meant to be, she looks a hell of a lot like an Echidna in the Sonic world. 

At least the Echidnas in Sonic’s world look a little different lol; Tikal, Shade and Julie-Su being examples. Tikal is orangey red while the other 2 are more pink I think, and each have different hairstyles (although Tikal’s is basically the same as Knuckles’ lol). But at least you can TELL the difference with them!! The obvious things being Julie-Su’s a cyborg and Shade has bigger eyes/sinister face? Err yeah... I’ve never “seen” Julie-Su in action per say (never read the comics) but she certainly looks the coolest!! Sometimes wish they’d add her to the main series.... But apparently Knuckles likes a certain BAT instead of her lolol. 

Said bat being Rouge.... I actually love Rouge. She got me into bat wings............ For legit. She’s the epitome of sexiness among the anthro world I’m sure~ I do hope she’ll be in Boom. Though I’m not entirely sure how they’d make her funny, heh.... Maybe she could be super vain and materialistic? Losing her utter marbles and sense over jewels and such?? I don’t think flirting would be an option in a presumably very Americanized show. Let’s face it, American loves their comedy right? And SO DO I!! But it’s clear SEGA mainly/only had the American young audience in mind when creating Boom. I’ll be VERY surprised if there IS any subtle adult humour within it, ahuhuuu. Maybe Rouge could supply some of that? Ooooor maybe that’s simply going too far. Gotta remember this is a KIDS show, foremost. Even though Sonic fans, young and older are surely excited, or at least interested, in what Boom can do for the franchise!! 

When I first read that the Boom TV series was a comedy, well, I had to let the idea of a Sonic TV SERIES sink in first without hyperventilating on the spot HAHAHAHA!!! Heh-hem... But err, then I was very skeptical but intrigued... Coz, lets be honest, Baldy McNosehair?.......... That was THE most failed “joke” ever in Sonic history. Colors tried to be funny, bless it’s heart, but it failed most the time, unfortunately ;3; I was more fan-amused than laugh-out-loud at the cut-scenes in it. 

All that said, BOOM LOOKS VERY PROMISING!! And I just really hope (and beg and pray lolol) that the first episodes I watch online (hoping it WILL be online before it’s release in my stupid  country that gets everything last asdfghjkl) that I will laugh at least 5 times throughout!!


As said, it’s gradually like all my dreams are coming true........... Sonic being tall and sexy, Knuckles being so hot and buff (yes, I went there) and comedy. Just comedy. Sonic Boom may just be my PERSONAL fav ever Sonic... THING. 

DO NOT LET ME DOWN SEGA!!!!! (gets Amy hammer) #sonicfanforever

Date: 5/11/2014

And now, another thought has struck my mind as I watch yet more Boom trailers and such lol: at least SEGA keep the Sonic series FRESH~~ It may feel very different every time he appears (be game or TV show) but new characters, concepts and themes are good for such a big franchise right? Right??... 

Yeah, I know many classic-hard-core kinda fans may be up in arms about, well, Knuckles arms, but from what I’ve seen of Mario, it just does the same thing over and over... Same genre, same theme, same story and such. I’m just guessing to be honest, since I’ve never really played a Mario (everyone horror gasp lolol) but the concept of endlessly saving a princess and defeating the bad guy gets booooooooooooooorrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnngggg after a while. A while being a month. Since the games industry in endlessly developing and throwing more, original-er, ideas out there!!

Sure, such gaming Legends as Lara Croft, Mario, Link, Final Fantasy are amazing and epic in their own right. And I suppose a life-long fan expects the same thing, just maybe some improvements, from such games. Sonic however.... Seems to change every time... 

From the original game of just getting through the level and smashing robots, to Sonic Underground where he was apparently raised by an anthro couple and discovered he has siblings and was a freakin prince, to being in the freedom fighters with characters who kinda didn’t look like they were from the same world (same goes for Underground), to making his life entirely focused on defeating Robotnik/Eggman, to racing games when he’s obviously logically apparently THE fastest thing on planet freakin Earth, to being involved in fairy tales (knights and genies and stuff), to endless changes to the cast and secondary characters, and OMG jus don’t even get me started on the secondary cast!!!! Just-just, they’ce created and ditched SO many it’s ridiculous (headdesks)

I might as well give up typing right now LOL. Coz, when I seriously think about it.............. Sonic is either the most versatile or the most inconsistent games character in the history of the universe... Yeah. 

His life and even current life doesn’t make any sense at all!! Like, what happened to Uncle Chuck? Was he seriously raised by people we’ve never heard of seen since Underground? Surely they’d be a huge part of his life? Surely he’d mention he’d been adopted and that he was a prince and had siblings? SURELY??? But no. Apparently SEGA and whoever else can et their hands on Sonic is desperate to totally reinvent and re-imagine him every damn time he appears!!!..... And some people think Lara Croft’s history is inconsistent??? Lol yep. 

Like, where does he SERIOUSLY come from?? Where has he lived? Where DOES he live? The original game and first show had him exclusively in Mobius right? And yet he somehow ended up emersed within a human world in Sonic Adventure? And also in Sonic X. But maybe Sonic X was completely based ON Sonic Adventure? I assume as much since that gooey blue alien thing (remember name now: Chaos) shows up, which is the start of SA2. 

If we DID make a logical timeline of his life, family and friends, and took into consideration EVERY game/show/spin off he’s been or starred in, well, you’d either GIVE UP lol, or find that he’s still an endless mystery of doom!!! Like, who IS Sonic the Hedgehog?..........................

So he’s been fighting Robotnik (which, by the way, is a MUCH better name then Eggman, just what?? XD) since Underground, which is set in mobius, but what creature exactly IS Robotnik?? We assume he’s human.... Maybe, just maybe, Underground had a hidden political message that humans are slowly destroying our world’s animals and such.... (shrugs). 

Err, anyway, as I was saying. He’s basically STILL an enigma even though he’s got a million appearances under his shoe belts!! Or maybe, his life just changes a lot (shrugs) things can easily change, and I suppose no matter what’s happened to him, Tails and Knuckles have always been by his side~~ Sort of. They weren’t in Underground Episode one and such, but obviously that series told a prequel of Sonic’s life. It explained where he came from, who he was and why he started fighting Robotnik. Although it DOESN’T explain why the idea of him being a bloody prince was seemingly completely and utterly dropped from the entire franchise.... lol whut. 

Though maybe he just didn’t wanna be a prince? Too much responsibility for our adventurous young man huh?? It’s not like he has guards or an actual homeland or royal appointments and such. I mean, imagine Sonic in Princess Peaches shoes (yes literally if you want... And dress, ahuhuu) even if he was and continued to be some kind of royalty he’d still travel all over and ignore the palace and everything. I’m still just REALLY confused why Underground even suggested the idea at all...... Sonia and Manic have vanished off the face of the virtual world too. They could at least drop by and visit Sonic right?? Make cameos every year? There’s only one explanation for it: they’re all dead. 

And so must the entire of Mobius be. I mean, what happened to Sally Acorn and all them from Freedom fighters??? Did Sonic just abandon them all?? Yeah, OK, I know they’re still in the comics, I think. But it’s just VERY CONFUSING that the games, TV shows and comics have NO CONNECTION whatsoever!!!! They might as well be completely different franchises....... It’s like, what IS the “normal” Sonic? There’s sooooooo damn many spin offs and content it gets impossible to keep track of anything EVER!!

The more I look at the “new” characters designs the more I love them...... At lest Knuckles looks more interesting and brings some much needed body diversity to the group. and Amy’s skirt isn’t an umbrella that defies gravity, and, of course, she isn‘t an obsessive stalker that defies reason. And why DID Sonic have bare arms anyway? He actually looks better with furry arms... Tails looks seriously adorable a little taller. Hell, they ALL look gorgeous taller!!! I’m seriously LOVING the longer limbs and bodies............. They look MUCH more anatomically realistically, ya know, in that they have a bit more room for bones and organs and stuff. 

Overall: So far, I’m genuinely not complaining about Sonic Boom. I actually really.... LOVE it, once I got over the initial shock and confusion HA!!

Why can’t we all just get used to the newness of the series? Whether the changes are permanent or not. It’s not even known yet.... 

Also: SCREW THE HATERS LOL. They’re just mad coz they didn’t think of such changes first.... Like the Knuckles buffness logic or making them all funny or Amy being the sensible one (for once) or just the entire overhaul reboot.... Reboots can be overwhelming for long-time fans, but hey, SEGA ain’t doin it for the 90’s fans, they’re doing it for the new generation!! And that’s what the world has to do now: keep everything modern, fresh and different, or crumble off the face of the earth. 

And as they say, any press is good press right? The more people moan and flame and troll and argue the better!! HA. At least Boom is BEING talked about huh? Unlike most the recent Sonic games that have faded in and completely out of the publics interest. Sometimes drastic changes and a new take has to be done for the world to realize and remember something even EXISTS..... It’s stupid but true. Hell, Boom’s even got ME hyped and curious about what SEGA are planning to do with all this... I don’t think I’ve been this excited over something Sonic related since I bought Adventure 2 on PC million years after it’s release date............... Yeah. 


So.... I’ve just watched the first two episodes of Sonic boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twice........ And, Eggman could actually, for once, the first time EVER, be my fav... He’s just ridiculously stupid and the most useless bad guy ever lol!! Though I guess the whole Eggman’s useless theme has been going on for a while before Boom anyways... He was mocking himself in Colors and moreso in Generations since his older self WAS in that game, HA. I suppose SEGA aren’t gonna give up on the crazy bad guy theme for him... And when I consider how plain evil and creepy and angry he was in Underground, hell, you honestly wonder what the actual HELL happened to him...... (shrug) Maybe it’s a fad now, the bad guy having an actual personality and often used in comical moments coz the whole idea of bad being totally bad and good being totally good is very VERY old now really. 

That said, can anyone even IMAGINE Mario and Bowser calling a truce?? Ha, I highly doubt it. They will forever be enemies. It seems Sonic and Eggman are almost known exclusively FOR their weird “relationship”, of occasionally coming together and being neutral (even though suspicious) of each other. Though that concept can surely get strange and old right?? If Eggman seriously hated Sonic so much, he’d just choke him in the middle of the night in Boom episode 2....... Lol yep. 

Anyway!! Onto the Boom format and genre itself~
Well...... I will try my best not to biased here, although I’ve seen and felt quite hyped over just the IDEA of a new Sonic cartoon series, but yeah, most the “jokes” are very hit and miss.... But hey! Things can only improve right? Most shows people watch now started out a bit lame or unknown, then things do get better as the team involved in the making get more into it themselves!!

Episode 1 was..... Good. I personally adored the Sonic and Tails bond and brotherly thing they had going on (and always have had going on). Heh, I’m sure the strange people all over the internet that “ship” them will be having panic attacks........ Even I fluttered over Sonic’s regard for Tails safety, hehe, and moreso when he yoinked him from his plane. Aaaaand after that it got really cheesy with the whole “leave me! Save yourself!” moment in the water pffft. Beyond anything else in Boom: I LOVE SONIC’S LEGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (slapped) like seriously..... He’s just so..... Tall now. I love it so much it’s not even normal anymore...... 

Like, I should draw fanart JUST to draw his long-ass skinny legs.... I like skinny boys. And Sonic’s probably gay anyway. Amy seems to have gone off him and giving him waaay more space lol. And I’m now CONVINCED without a single doubt that Boom is definitely set a few years in the future; meaning all the characters are a few years older and maybe wiser. And that also accounts for the fact they’ve all basically gave up on Eggman and his stupid plots. 

Older? Really??? Lets look at the evidence: 
- They’re all taller. 
- All their voices are deeper... Sonic’s especially just wow..... I find it kinda sexy #wtf
- Amy’s waay more mature than 12, admit it. She’s talking like a young adult or at least a teen now. 
- Sonic and Tails live together in an actual house. Since when does Sonic even HAVE a house? He’s obviously more responsible now. Best example of this? He’s actually HOOVERING in episode 2, lol!

As said, Amy is far more mature now..... I’m not entirely sure what they did with her in episode one... Being pretty crazy, demanding and annoying... Oh wait. She HAS been like that for the last 10 years. BUT she flipped a bit in episode 2, being very much the mother figure, encouraging hugs and listening and friendship and yeah... it was pretty weird at first. But hey! At least she has a more realistic personality now, she’s full of mature advice and affection. Which I suppose she possessed in Sonic X and in most the games (the endless Sonic glomping of doom) but now it’s simply..... More mature? That’s the only way I can describe her really.... I’m not sure if I “love” it yet, but I do like it. Her calmness certainly counterbalances Sticks madness. Remember when Amy was the crazy one compared to super calm Cream?? Yeah, must admit the dynamics are endlessly changing when it comes to the main team. 

I’m also really LOVING Sonic’s sarcastic attitude in the 2nd episode especially!!
“Amy: Pre-mission group hug?! Sonic: No. “
“”Eggamn: Because if you don’t I’ll truly be stuck living with you until I build a new island fortress. Sonic: Let’s roll. “
A man of few words is a dead funny one, that’s for sure. Sonic doesn’t, and has never needed, to blab on forever to get his point across. Well, maybe in Sonic X he did.... I recall a looooooot of explanations in that show. It was tiring lol. And as much as I like all the techno-gibberish associated with Eggman, Tails and the robots, when there’s too much it just gets confusing and annoying lol. 

So, how about the robots? It’s a great move, I think, that SEGA decided to give the robots themselves more personality. And I gotta admit the one in episode two that had, err, some hearing problems was very amusing, haha. Definitely a fresh take on Eggman’s usual bots that do anything and everything like in Sonic X. The robots in that series were the most uninteresting part of it, unfortunately. SO, it’s cool they get more originality and humor involved with them!! Hell, they could take it a step up and create weird, useless, ridiculous robots, and basically make Eggman look like a total idiot... Well, they say there’s madness in genius right?

Was pretty funny to see Sonic and Tails exhausted in episode 2 as well. Like, they’re kinda real breathing creatures!! They need food and sleep and poop (kinda hope there’s some poop joke eventually somewhere ha) just like any normal person, or kid. And let’s face it, KIDS are the target audience here. So I’m sick as HELL of adults and old-time fans flaming Boom for everything it’s worth!! Like, geeeeeeeeeeez, it’s technically a kids show. For kids. No-one cares. And if they DO care and hate on it, they must have literally nothing else to do with their lives....

Though that is somewhat hypocritical of me, typing this endless evaluation of everything Boom related..... BUT I’m only doing this coz I was compelled to!! My heart wanted to express my feelings for it.... Coz I’m blatantly obviously a Sonic-obsessed nutcase with too much time on my hands. Yep. And proud of it!! Hell, I may not even post this anywhere online. I’m writing this FOR MYSELF and never intended to publish it anyway. I’m an analyst, essentially. And love, more than anything, to analyze things I adore and admire. 

I knew I’d at least LIKE Sonic Boom when I first discovered it, but I’m just genuinely the type of person that assumes nothing and passes no judgments until I’ve actually watched, experienced or witnessed something for myself. Sure, I may throw around a skeptical sentence or more, but that’s only coz I’m in the open-minded-curious stage!!

And as I was saying before, Boom’s a KIDS show. And compared to other CGI apparently comedy kids shows, it’s surely not THAT bad right?? Though I can’t compare as I’ve never really watched such shows, ha, though I do recall one about a dog and a pig... That was moderately funny. And that’s what kids are into these days!! SEGA’s just staying with the times, ya know? The whole era of funny bad guys, silly situations and self-mocking is IN. Thus SEGA took the plunge and went for it, whether the fans worship or hate their guts for it. And I, for one, love their guts for it. SEGA have taken a HUGE risk (according to dedicated fans fffff) and made a simple little funny toon about Sonic and his life. 


For now. 

Now. Who thinks Knuckles is gonna get Rouge up the duff and have Knuckles junior? (mobbed)


Sooooo, as I continue to watch the brand new episodes, I must say the writing’s getting MUCH better (it wasn’t very good to start, but heh, gotta give the amazing team who are working on this huge and very publicized project a CHANCE, right??) Anyway!! Yes, the jokes are, to me at least, much funnier... As in, I probably just have extremely bad taste and LOVE cheesy, random humor to pieces anyway lol. BUT that’s all I’ve ever wanted from Sonic, hell, from ANY TV show aimed at kids, just amusing hit-and-miss humor that’s actually so bad it’s awesome!!

I mean, there have been some genuine moments where I laugh to myself.... And moments where I cringe into my hands in shame. One cringe moment being Knuckles and Sonic trying to be posh toffs. I dunno what that was. Just.... What. Oh well, they promised random comedy (I assume) and they’re certainly delivering on that!!

It struck me as odd that Sticks got 2 consecutive episodes of limelight.... Like, I know she’s new and all, but the original CLASSIC characters are taking a serious back seat..... Has Knuckles even said a sentence yet??? That said, I very nearly burst out laughing when Knuckles took out a pair of glasses and then stated he can’t read......... OK. It was funny as shit. But seriously SEGA, seriously?? Opting to make Knuckles a total dumbass (or simply severely dyslexic? Now THAT would be a good thing!! Think of all the kids out there who struggle to read and there ya go, neither can Knuckles. And he’s COOL... Lol yep). 

As I was saying, before I endlessly loose track of my typing, making Knuckles stupid may not be a good move. BUT in the same episode (My fair Sticksy) he redeems himself by playing the piano!!! Like OMG I love that..... Too much..... Make Knuckles a dyslexic, soft-centered, musical maestro and you’re onto SUCH a winner there SEGA. Not even joking. That would be wonderful~~

And well, while I’m here I might as well blab some more huh? I’m actually falling in love with Sonic, himself, all over again......... Like OMG he’s such a correcting, sarcastic, jerk-front but hidden-sweet character now.... I think, at least. And I really adore it lol. I also love beyond anything, the fact Amy isn’t obsessed with him anymore!!! That is THE biggest step in the right direction surely..... Secret love is funnier (I think I mentioned that already somewhere?) and just imagine the OLD Amy if she saw Sticks and Sonic dancing together, pffft, she’d go off on a tantrum and try to murder Sticks.... Defo. 

All in all, it’s looking gooooood. But Eggman and Sticks may be getting too much limelight. Tails and Knuckles deserve waaay more. And Amy and Sonic are basically the middle ground of limelight-ness. There just HAS to be an episode for Knuckles. All that said, their personalities are refining and more solid within every episode, I think anyway. Like anything, it has to GROW on the creators and the audience. We all just get USED to it!! Used to the physical changes, personality changes, concept changes. HELL, the entire premise for Sonic Boom may have originally been SEGA trying to poke fun at themselves!! Anyone consider that??

What the hell would YOU do if you were losing fans coz they were endlessly complaining about how crap and crapper every game released is getting, huh???? I, as a TRUE Sonic fan, appreciate SEGA’s (and other associated companies) EVERY. SINGLE. ATTEMPT. To bring Sonic back to life again. I’d buy every comic, game, DVD available if I had the money lol. Partly becoz I’m clearly insane, partly becoz Sonic and co. just make me HAPPY. 

Yeah, they make loads of people miserable and trolly and angry and retarded, but they make some of us happy. So, to the miserable etc. people: 

He’s a fictional character. On a fictional planet. With fictional friends. And is making children, teens and nostalgic adults alike, HAPPY. Sure, most the games “suck”, most the TV shows “suck” and everything Sonic related apparently “sucks” by default according to stupid, nasty, too-much-time-on-their-hands people who have NO consideration for SEGA’s efforts whatsoever!!!!

Well, I got news for you. I hate Mario. But I’m not gonna troll everywhere and dedicate an entire blog to my hatred for him lol. Plus it would make me a total hypocrite anyway since I own Mario Kart Wii and Mario strikers charged football. And I actually ADORE Peach!! 
But Mario.... He just has no personality to me (shrugs) Nor has he changed in the million whatever years he’s been in games. So yeah, at least SEGA moves with the time and tries new things and pushes Sonic in different directions!! I approve of that. 

Sonic Boom being a clear example; wanting Sonic to appeal to an American audience since Sonic X was kinda strange and too serious mostly... Japan is obviously a whole other world compared to America. But here’s me, in little old England, caught up in the middle of it all. Hell, if they remade Sonic for an English audience LOLWHUT I don’t even know what they’d do to him.... Make him drink tea and give him a moustache? Yeeeeaaaaahhh. But realistically, a dry, sarcastic humor and wit would get him pretty far here, maybe. But as far as family-friendly kids shows go, no clue lol. But I’m lovin Boom’s version anyway <333 he IS sarcastic and smart in that. And I’ve always loved his serious but sweet kinda demeanor... Like, forget Amy Rose. I should be the Amy stalking him!!!!!!..... Which is perfectly fitting. Too fitting. Yeah. 

Aaaaaaaaaand I’ll probably type forever about Sonic Boom, just you see. I DID mention to Sofie/LadyLoriel on Facebook that I may possibly make a blog for review blah, but I started this document just for myself lol. Coz I felt full to bursting with opinions and insights on Boom!!!


I’ve written a Boom fan episode by the way... 


The evidence that supports that fact that the Boom version of Sonic Co. are most definitely older: 
- Sonic has hairy arms. Though that may just be the animal fur pattern. Tails is only 8 and has hairy arms lol. 
- Amy is NOT 12. She’s THE most mature and sensible one of the entire cast this time around, and she has boobs!! Small boobs but still boobs. She has a figure. 12 year old girls don’t have figures. 
- They ALL sound older. As said, Amy’s older in body and also voice, Sonic sounds like an adult (in a good way!!) and so does Knuckles and Tails sound somewhat the same but a slightly deeper tone. 
- They’re all beyond bored of Eggman. Though that concept has been around for a few games now; Colors (Baldy McNosehair was just random lol), and Generations even more so as he met his older/classic Robotnik self. 
- Sonic and Tails now live together. In a house. And the others presumably have their own houses too. Like when Sticks said a letter was left at her house. 

(((While it’s hit my mind, SEGA could have easily included any and ALL characters already in the games, older shows and Comics among the residence... Hell, when you have that many characters already made and recognizable, why not add them to the cast?? Instead of getting teams of people making new designs.... And I must say, most the designs don’t resemble Sonic creatures at all. Though I suppose there’s only so far you can go with the flesh cheeks/nose tall and skinny kinda look, heh. Thus they added some tall, short, fat, round, huge, buff characters for some body diversity. Which is great!! I mean, just look at Knuckles now!! (bombed by fans)

To be continued..... most likely....... I WILL NEVER STOP FANGIRLING MWHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

NEW CAST. Lol no, just gender bends~

OK no :XD: just gender-bends. . . . . . . . *bricked*

Though they would make a cool main cast, ahuhuuu >u> since, ya know, they all at varying degrees look homosexual :dummy: *slapped*

Tried my best to stick to their personalities/clothing preferences and just give them a physical gender swap :dummy: though their orientations are presumably the same (straight male=straight female XD)

Wait. . . . . . . . I haven’t even made a NORMAL group pic of them since freakin 2012 :iconfacepokerplz:: must do!! (maybe like this, BG so nom <33)

:bulletgreen: First one I did for fun was Sammi. . . As I totally imagined him waking up (or NOT waking up ;3) to find that everyone around him was gender-bent but acting perfectly normal :icon0u0plz: but yeah, after a bizarre-as-hell day, he finds out it’s a dream but also finds photos on his phone that Krissie took of them. . . AS the opposite sexes!! :icongwahplz: *mind blown by clichéd-ness ffffff*
So err. . . yeah. . . Possible crazy episode idea there X'D

FUN FACT: I used to gender-bend every. Single. Male. Character. I liked when I was a younger. . . Seriously. Sonic, Ash Ketchum, Disney's Robin Hood, you name it X’D oh the unimaginable shame~

Hope you like it :la:

EH/Characters/Artwork/Emerald logo © Pinkaila 2014

More group stuffs: 
Homework night by Pinkaila Xmas... thing 8D by Pinkaila Err... bookmark set? by Pinkaila Happy new yearness by Pinkaila

Critiques NOT desired

P.S. I want Jaselle as my girlfriend. The end.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Frozen has broken the ice~

So I just browsed a few articles about Disney's latest CGI movie, Frozen, after seeing a friends artwork, about people suggesting the main conflicted-"villain", Elsa, could easily be gay lol. And that the movie itself was clearly a story about coming out and such..... I haven't SEEN the movie myself yet, so I have no idea what all the "hints" and hidden meaning stuff is about, ha. BUT from what I've read so far............... yeah. It seems to resemble the story of a gay person very closely. And I can totally see LGBT's relating to her and feeling her pain of hiding something that she was simply born with.

The idea that Elsa has this HUGE secret within her (which, lets be honest, we ALL have some form of secret right? especially from our family or friends or yeah, even siblings...) is clearly a universal thing!! The point OF such a character is for many people to relate to her. I related a LOT to Rapunzel, with her need to get out and explore the world and just live but feeling somewhat trapped by something/someone. The recent (namely CGI) Disney movies have SUUUUUCH an epic complexity to them now!! Which is AMAZING <333

But lets face it, after the epically incredible Shrek and Ice Age series' from Dreamworks, Disney NEEDED to up their game and bring more story, emotion, personality, depth and modern-world relatable-ism(?) to their movies~~~

2D vs 3D?

I was CERTAINLY confused and surprised when I first heard/saw Tangled...... I was all "WTF DISNEY?? Go join the endless herd of CGI laziness will ya?!!" HAHA, but oh well~ CGI truly looks incredible and realistic and dynamic!!! As much I seriously miss classic hand-drawn toons, yeah, CGI has it's pros~~

CGI = Laziness?? Lol yep. As far as I know/have seen, once the models are made (which could take months, fair enough) they simply move them around via a digital skeleton, like a dolly really o3o and they move the cameras around them and such. Soooooo, in other words, once everything's made (characters, environments, objects etc.) it's your PLAYGROUND!! 8D you can move and operate anything and everything within the epic digital world you've created!!!
Errrrrrr, wait. Am I pro or con here?? XD

Well, the idea of having everything made and ready to use IS extremely handy and awesome........ hell, it's tempting me to learn to make models on Blender simply so I can move characters around and don't have to draw nothin' 8D *slapped*

Oooooooon the other hand, hand-drawn animation; every angle, every detail, every backdrop, looks freakin GORGEOUS <333 and shows true artistic skill~~~ But alas, as pencil fades out and computerness fades in, what do you expect? XD Disney to forever make 2D toons?? I'm not even sure which I prefer now.............. Princess and the Frog looked so so beautiful ;;3;; BUT I think a mix of 2D and 3D is the possibly the best!!!

One of my ALL TIME fav 2D/3D mix movies ever has to be Metropolis <33333333333333 I have insane amounts of love for that movie *_____________________* (it inspired my TROBOS actually >u<) don't give a sh!t if it's classed as "anime" IT'S EPIC. SCREW YOU HATERS 8'D
It looks breath-takingly mind-blowingly Ah. may. Zing <33333

Soooooo, in conclusion? (Though I started talking about Frozen and ended up talking about animation style coz I'm hopeless like that 8D *slapped*) Frozen is possibly a ground-breaking Disney movie that I must see soon coz it might change society and everything <333 (or people just assume everything as hidden meanings and stuff these days X'D errr) and 3D BGs with 2D characters looks beyond gorgeous holy crap ;;;u;;;

Yeah. I have opinions on TV show/Movies/Games and I need to somewhere to vent them so, this blog it is X'D

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Tatina Maslany~

Orphan black lead lady.
She’s broken everything.
She’s Revolutionized multi-acting??

 No one on EARTH so far played so many, such varied and unique, characters in one show!! Surely that’s a first and a record. . . Usually when an actor acts they have the same voice, mannerisms, demeanor in every bloody movie they’re in. . . *cough* Bruce Willis. Not saying he’s a bad actor!! He’s simply been cast as similar characters I suppose? Blame his agent?!

I still marvel at the moments when 3 or more clones are in the same shot lol! It always looks well done and mind blowing!! And holy crap. . . I male (well trans) clone was a huge slap in the face. Did NOT see that coming. . . Though I did see online speculation about a male clone and began to think how they’d do it. One idea was they’d find an actor as similar as they could to Sarah. Another idea was they’d dress her up as one. As so they did! Though I was expecting short hair somehow and maybe facial prosthetics and more manly physique. But it does make more sense for an also female, simply transgendered clone instead of an actually born male one. Makes me question their genetic make up though. . . Sexuality and gender identity are in the DNA and brain channels, so how there’s a lesbian and trans in the mix I have no idea lol!! Is still a GREAT way to differentiate them from one another and make each one different. Hell, I’m sure twins can have different sexualities, its not impossible.

Yeah blah just random thoughts about Orphan Black X'D

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Started off drawing a naked woman :XD: ended up as a body image message thingy :dummy:
Excuse the messy bruise X'D obviously need to practice more with pencil layering and such lol~
Wallpaper is actually teal..... though it looks green here 8U dang scanner ffff. 

Hope you like it :la:

Random sexy lady/Artwork © Pinkaila 2014

More semi-realism stuff here!! (though not much yet lol)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Homework night

I started this in March. . . :icon0u0plz: coz I'm slow like that~

Lazy chibi scribble coz, admit it, me drawing 7 characters and 6 BGs in my normal style would have took at least a year :XD:. . . And a half. . . Or 2. 

So yep. Ignore the "art". Was just for the lame humor this time :dummy: *slapped*

:bulletgreen: Notesies: 
Jason has a king size bed. Coz he’s a king like that. . . (Lol no. When his brother moved out he knocked down the wall so he could have a huge-ass bedroom). 
- Bloody hell Karl just hoover your room already!! >:U (and get some color coordination geeeez X’D)
- Meet Daisy’s little brother, Jakky!! :’D sort of. . . Should draw him properly eventually lol. 
- I just designed Karl’s bedroom and Krissie’s living room randomly ugh. Not satisfied with them, must admit OTL may keep Krissie’s wallpaper there 8U looks like something her brother might like lol. Coffee colors <33
Amilia’s cat; Angel, on le bed there o3o
- Aaaaand, of course. Sammi. YOU'RE AWESOME!!! *throws awards at him* >8D and a good boy :3
- I waaaaaaaas gonna shade this somehow but I just didn't think it was worth it :XD: *bricked*

That’s all I guess OuO

Hope you like it :la:

Crazy characters/EH/Artwork © Pinkaila 2014
Checkerboard and Lace Diamond Brush © their respective owners!!

Critiques NOT desired

Moar comics: 

Quiet... by Pinkaila Weird question by Pinkaila Crazy Daisy by Pinkaila Soppy~ by Pinkaila EH: Jason's morning by Pinkaila

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Err eyez...

One of the tradish practice things I did when I went on a doodle-spree :XD: which lasted............................ a day *bricked*

Anyways, I often doodle realistic eyes actually :icondesueyeplz:U:icondesueyeplz: they just so gorgeous <333
Added no.15 last minute, since I loved how no.3 turned out X'D I like most of them really, though some look a bit plain for my liking. . . blah well, I tried :dummy:

And yep, I adore odd eye colors :'D even some of my EH cast have weird eye colors. . . yeah, I’m mentioning EH again :XD: I’m hopeless~

Artwork/random eyes © Pinkaila 2014

More semi-realism stuff here! (though not much yet lol)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sea of hair~

I like hair. But this is ridiculous :icon0u0plz:

So I started off intending to draw a girl just breathing in the breeze and err, it ended up as a woman, presumably under water, with way too much (sexy) hair :dummy:. . . yay for spontaneous tradish art <333

I haven’t used pencils for yeeeaars!! Please don’t eat me :'D just trying stuff ATM~~
And I managed to fill 6 pages last night. . . which is the most I've drawn in, like, a year? :XD:

Artwork/Random woman (who resembles EH’s Akzetah actually o3o) © Pinkaila 2014

Critiques NOT desired

More semi-realism stuff here! (though not much yet lol)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Trade: My little hero~

Trade with :iconladyloriel: :iconlainloveplz:
Hell, she hasn’t even drawn Junta and Chinta together yet herself >u> but I knew they'd look awesome together!! ;D couldn’t resist after reading Chinta was his bodyguard 8''D <333 (hence title lolol)~

I await my half hon :heart:

Hope you love it :la:

Junta/Chinta/Warriors of Akrir © LadyLoriel 2014
Artwork © Pinkaila 2014
Star brush © Err, someone OTL

More trades with friends!! :iconyaayplz: