Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Trade: Oh Joy~

Trade with :icondatumshark: :iconlainloveplz:
Her gorgeously seductive Royal Guard Joy >u> <u<
Ad well, since she’s royal and oh so busy, she finally gets a sit down on a luxurious seat :dummy:... that kinda looks like it came from the same warehouse as Jason’s seat lol (if anyone even remembers that pic X’D)

Yet again normal cell shade with some subtle soft highlights 8U yeah. Will I ever find a coloring style and stick to it? Stayed tune to-!!*slapped*

Such a pleasure drawing herrrrr <333 (and her boobs :iconiwentplz:)
I await my half >u<
Hope you love it :la:

Critiques NOT desired

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Sammi!! Stop showing off your hormones :iconffplz:

Lol, I guess the story is: they all got the same amount of time to grow a beard 8U Karl suspects cheating. 
How can you cheat growing a beard? :XD: steroids?? Meh. 

And ignore the complete B!TCH in the BG >3> she’s just jealous of Sammi’s hotness and that she’ll never have him… maybe. Or yeah, she just plain hates him ouo

Not sure how Jason and Sammi ended up the same height lol. Well, Jason looks like he’s in front of them all anyway XD so Sammi’s at the back, fail solved :dummy: *slapped*

:bulletblack: So I’m boored of my cell shading X’D and thought this coloring looked more, well, colored 8U with 2 levels of shade and a bit h/light~
Meh, still just practicing. This took twice as long as normal OTL is it even worth it?? Pffft. 
Oh well~
INDEED! by NerdyGeekyDweeb Happy Movember Everyone… INDEED! by NerdyGeekyDweeb

Hope you love it :la:

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Weird question

Sex Ed. 

Creating awkward family moments since 1953* :iconimhappyplz:

Damn it Kyle!! >XD Sammi had this whole detailed censored speech prepared as well D’8 but noooooo, the school had to go teach him everything about life, ffff. 
LOL, reminds me, I don’t even know the name of the school Kyle goes to... Sapphire Elementary? Yeah, that’ll do *slapped*
This was an ooooolld idea for a comic BTW XD... found a note of it from June this year… coz I'm lazy like that~

Well, this is just more comic practice to be honest o3o since I seriously need practice (with layouts and BGs and such OTL)
That said, some of the best Webcomics I’ve come across aren’t exactly artistically amazing anyways X’D as long as they’re decently drawn, hilarious and well written and everything, nothing else matters :dummy:


Hope you love it :la:

Critiques NOT desired

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Trade: DSN bustsss

Trade with :iconspeedeh: :iconlainloveplz:
Some of her DSN cast busty busts <333
Top: Devan and Em
Bottom: Arizona and Seth >3<
Chose them mainly coz they look cool :dummy: but then literally ALL your characters look cool... you don’t make surprise trades easy for me Nel 8’D
Lol anyway, so fun to draw theeeeem~ <33

Here’s her half :heart: 

Hope you love them :la:

DSN © Speedeh 2013
Artwork © Pinkaila 2013