Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Art Jam: Lollipop?

Entry for :iconladyloriel:’s Back-to-school Art jam!! :la:

I don’t even know where to start on this.............................................. X’D

1. I wanted to draw an entire “normal style” class/classroom. Failed. Opted for chibis and gave up by the looks of it lol OTL
2. I originally intended to cell shade this but kinda fell in love with the Airbrush tool and whoops 8D
3. Well, apart from being eternally sorry to Sofie, at least her Nicolaj looks pretty hot in the top panel right?? :dummy: *slapped*
Baaw well, God loves a tryer? He’s gonna marry me then XP

So Jason’s perving and obsessing over a teacher. Nothing new~
And oh hey, unifooorrms <333 I do lovies uniforms!! perhaps EH should have them canon? o3o but that’s only Academies and private schools right??

I do wonder what question Jason got correct :iconfacepokerplz:...... we shall never know. 
Well blah, pleasure to draw Nicolaj, ahuu, he so gorgeous <333
Hope you love it :la:

Mr Nicolaj © LadyLoriel 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Who's bad?

*looks at watch* Oh well. I’m only 26 years late with this semi-fanart right? *bricked by fans*
God rest his soul :heart: Michael Jackson truly was the definition of passion~*~*~*~

Anyway, hot daym I’m in love with this outfit again X’D... even now I watch the music vid and am just, just... you don’t even wanna know :iconimstilltwitchingplz:
So yep, have my sexy Sammi in it, coz it’s just perfect for him!! eue <33

And I err, think I know how I like my backgrounds now.......................... FREAKIN’ MESSY!! 8’D
Lol, seriously, I looooove that grungy splash paint layered varied look ;;u;; eeps so gorgeous~
Dunno what else to say... I finish art a week or more before posting these days 8U
Hope you love it :la:

Sammi/Artwork © Pinkaila 2013
“Bad” outfit © Michael Jackson and whoever amazing person designed it (MJ?)

Brushes used: Acrylic brush, Barbed wire 005 brush, Bristles 02 brush, Cell 01 brush, Grunge 2 brush 11, Grunge Fractal 01 brush, S7 Lines, Smoke brush, Wire fence 001 brush
Sorry I can’t find direct links >.< they should be faved somewhere here though: pinkaila.deviantart.com/favour…

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Trade: My hero~

Art Jam entry trade thingy for :icongilster262: :iconlainloveplz:
He wanted my Daisy and his Sonny dressed as Zelda and Link :iconicameplz:

Haven’t played much LoZ gotta admit, though I do have Twilight Princess, which I really need to pick up again asdfghjkl ;u; I’m still stuck in the bloody temple!! OTL and the bosses are slowly destroying my soul X’D (and patients).
Oh wait, I had Phantom hourglass a few years ago too 8U which was so awesome!!

ANYWAY XD consider this Daisy’s Halloween pic?? Though she’s never played a video game in her life, but hey, she wanted to look adorable next to Sonny >u> <u< and, of course, she wants sweets... but that‘s a whole other picture… which I‘ll probably have to draw now ouo crap~
Blah, such a pleasure drawing semi fanart again <333 I just looooove cosplaying OCs!! :icontearplz:

Here’s his half <333

Hope you love it :la:

Artwork and Daisy © Pinkaila 2013.
Sonny © gilster262 2013.
Outfits © Nintendo, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Contest: Tree hugger?

Sketch contest entry for :iconfloetepus: :iconlainloveplz:
Info here: tragic-territory-fc.deviantart…

I (as usual) spontaneously thought of an idea and did it before over-thinking… coz none of the other sketches have speech bubbles X’D… crap. Hopefully it’s obvious enough without the text anyway?? OTL probably not lol.

Anyway!! I figured Sugary would be friends with a random tree :dummy: for some reason and Elias basically thinks she’s completely lost her mind :3
Doodled, somewhat Kari’s style BG is doodled and somewhat Kari’s style… I just cannot match your detailed BGs for sh!t 8’D <333
Hope you love it :la:

Tragic Territory/Characters © Floetepus 2013.
Artwork © Pinkaila 2013.