Friday, September 27, 2013

Something blue...

Oh hey. Art 8U *slapped by everyone* which only took a month and a half to complete coz I got carried away I guess X’D

Jason. Stop making such a convincing girl you’re scaring people!! >8U

Originally a dare bet thingy with :iconfloetepus: :heart: :iconimegacameplz:
So, she suggested drawing her Brutus in a wedding dress, but changed her mind and deemed it eye-destroying, so I said I’d do the same with Jason if she did Brutus :iconiepiccameplz: so yep. You kinda have to do it now 8D

I got carried away, as said, and shoved Scott in the pic too >3< coz he’s surely been dreaming of this moment X’D and Jason, well, err, he just wants to dress up and perv on Scott all day :XD: everyone wins~ (this is obviously a what-if dress up scene obviously, HA... though it could easily be for Halloween e3o)
Hope you love it :la:

Emerald High © *Pinkaila 2013.
Flower/vine, Rose, star and smoke brushes © their respective owners. I’m afraid I don’t have links ;o; thanks so much, creators of them!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Trade: Noooiirr~

Trade with :iconmsmercurylamp: :iconlainloveplz:
Of her beautiful Noir Winters <333 damn I still love that name… you MUST do something with her ;u; *shakes Jailene* even a little story I dunno!! :icontearplz:

So err, tried adding soft highlights, still feel like I can’t do anything but cell shade, oh well X’D and I’m seeing stars woo...
Note to self: Try more shading styles and for the love of god make BGs worth looking at OTL

Here’s her half which I totally don't deserve 8'D <333

Hope you love it :la:

Noir Winters © =MsMercuryLamp 2013. 
Artwork © *Pinkaila