Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gift: Freckled flower~

His beyond all adorableness Alex <333 baaw, I just love her!! Been meaning to draw her since forever ;u; her haaaiiir just so gorgeous~
So fun drawing herrr >3< and yep another bubble BG, they're addictive asdfghjk X'D

Happy birthday dude!! Hope you had a great day
Hope you love it

S.S.S. © *kd8lmno 2013.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

And you are?

You know Maralyn *dummy*… ya know, the Maralyn I’ve virtually never drawn or mentioned or ever used ever X’D
She’s new really <33 coz I have a thing for girls that dress like guys… or guys that dress like girls… or girls that dress like girls and guys that dress like guys *slapped* I have a thing for humans basically herpidy derp~

So err, she prefers being called Lyn ouo she’s in Proud club and Star club, she loves correcting people. To put her simply; she’s a pleasanter version Karl lol X’D still developing her. Well blah, I just had the sudden urge to doodle her >u<

How do I do short-ass hair?? Asdfghjkl. And I had this finished like, 2 weeks ago XP *slow poster*
Hope you love it

Emerald High © *Pinkaila 2013.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Precious in pink~

Baaaw, been working on this for 2 weeks on and off surely X'D coz I'm productive like that

Loving doing these bubbly fashion-ish pics ;3; (you started this Nel asdfghjk!!!) so I made a folder in ma gallery for em and will hopefully do moar 8'D

Adore Amilia's style like holy shizz <333 she's sporty meets punk I guess?? XD and so suits soft colors as well as dark I thinks ouo nom. I WANT this outfit. THE END  <3
Now cry upon her adorableness!!  *ffffplz*
Hope you love it

Emerald High © *Pinkaila 2013.

Heeeeeeeeeey Kexi lady *slapped*

I WENT THERE  *facepokerplz*
THIS SONG. Just. What the hell is it and why is it so catchy after about 3-4 full listens to it??? X’D lol, when I first saw/heard it I was all “the hell is this? e3o” now… I just freakin’ love it and listen to it everyday *slapped*

Kexi coz… Kexi. Plus she looks so damn hot in sports gear *iwentplz* Alicia totally wants her dressed like this, ahuu~
Doodle is doodle. Dunno what else to say X'D...
Hope you love it

Emerald High © *Pinkaila 2013.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Literally just created him last night... coz I doodled a realism field whatever and drew a random dog for practice and there ya go~
He's so adorabllllleee ;;3;; I lovies him already!!

So err, yeah, Sammi's dog dies in Season 1 (Rex) and he can't bare having another for a while. Until Krissie gets him one in Season 3 for his birthday 8'D coz she's generous like that~
First thing he notices is it's full black leg lol, so Krissie calls him 'Oddleg' and it sticks I guess o3o Sammi tends to call him 'Oddy' though <333

And yeah, no idea what breed he is X'D suggestions on FB perhaps??

EDIT: Thankies Nel >u< he's a Border Collie. The face pattern may need tweaking a bit but yay~