Hello my lovely followers/stalkers!! Have some unfinished, blindingly raw and unedited crapness to mark another year of improving drastically and failing miserably~ *dummy*
Originally drawn: 18th November 2012 (my 20th birthday ;u;)
Thus why it's special really <333 my first official lineart being 20 years old~
Tis Amilia in a gorgeous dress on a rock somewhere near a waterfall and stream or something!! 8D... was inspired by a friend's work (Kari) actually >u< I really shoulda colored it, but it looks beautiful as is~
Originally colored: 10th December 2012
I fully intended to finish and upload this, so be honest lol. Totally inspired by Marroon 5's 'One more nigh' <333 was soooo hooked on that song!!
Anyway, this is Krissie and Sammi when they're 17 and 18. They live in the same house in season 4 (with a few others) and, mainly coz of the song, I imagined they might not get along as well living together 24/7, lolololol~ As you can see Sammi looks a little run down and Krissie looks a bit controlling I guess X'D
I didn't finish simply coz it didn't make much sense and wouldn't work. Also I wanna work on season 4 more before revealing anything on DA, mwhahahhahahaa!! *slapped*
Originally drawn: 17th August 2012
Just a random idea, and attempt to do some kind of city BG X'D I obviously failed... the sketch was OK-ish but I really didn't like how the lineart turned out >.< their heads/eyes looked weird. Weirder than usual *slapped* still love the idea of the pervy cola cup, ahuhuu -u-
Originally drawn: 25th October 2012
Just some pose/ass practice? Lol, Kexi so gorgeous, and the most likely to strip off really XD whether she has a real tattoo that says 'Kiss me' on her butt I dunno. Just I temp I imagine ;3 dunno why I did her nails actually. Meh XD
Originally drawn: 14th September 2012
Speech bubbles:
Bully: Look at me! I'm a nerd!!
Next frame:
LOOOL. I SO wanted to finish this. I may even redo it X'D woulda been worth cracking some of my watchers up ;D
The idea here was that back when Karl was 10 or 11 he was a total push over. He soon realized he'd had enough and that no matter what, he'd give them as good as he got, and maybe more... he's now the lovable, violent, asshole you all know and love :3
Bully is nobody lol. Just for joke.
Originally drawn: 11th October 2012
Just felt like sketching Akzetah (Sammi's mom) and her lovely boyfriend of whom Sammi totally doesn't trust thus far X'D I imagined them watching fireworks here <33 on a lovely starry night or whatever~
Originally colored: 8th June 2012
I just imagined Karl as a murder at some point. Meh. He could easily kill his entire family if provoked. Or simply if there's a knife nearby -u- yep. Loved his expression on this one lol, but never felt like posting it XD
Originally colored: 4th March 2012
Kinda wanted to finish and upload this lol XD but I dunno... the idea was that Daisy loves nature and junk and decides to host a 'Naked day' at the school. Jason (for obvious reasons) helps her out and yeah I still don't even know... e3o
Was good anatomy practice though? 8D