Sunday, September 30, 2012


I mean err, info~

This folder currently holds a huge amount of notes, references and information about EH, so yeah, if that wasn't cool enough, LOOK AT IT, surely the most gorgeous design in the universe <333333 big, bold, bright, cartoony, everything I LOVE. Complete perfection~
I nom this folder so much. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sammi's family concepts~

Some quick sketches of Sammi's household: Kevin and Kyle Hudgens and his mom Akzeta (ack-zeh-tah) Clanes~

Some info: So the 'story' is that Akzeta met Kevin at a group meeting thing for people dealing with grief, mainly from losing a husband/wife. The only reason she goes at all is coz Sonia (Jason's mom) convinces her to. So Kevin and her met, got talking, fancied each other, blah. Realized they both had sons and stuff and felt they could help each other out and create a new life. Akzeta's still vulnerable and head-over-heels so within 6 months of meeting Kevin and Kyle they moved in with Akzeta and Sammi. Sammi wasn't keen on the idea, or Kevin for that matter, but soon developed a strong bond with Kevin's son Kyle. Sammi was 15 1/2 when all this occurred, and since then he's wanted and adored kids lol, thanks to Kyle.

Akzeta's just about getting back on track with her life and is studying law at University (again, quit coz family) and hopes to get a good job afterwards. In the mean time, Kevin works as an estate agent and provides for them all. Akzeta was somewhat struggling, emotionally and financially before Kevin moved in. Thus he decided to live with her and help out and stuff. Who knows for how long...

Sammi keeps his distance from Kevin, not fully caring nor trusting him. He's happy to see Kevin help his mom out, keep her company and care for her, but wonders what Kevin's really getting out of it... apart from affection in return. Lol, Sammi over thinks... or does he?? Mwhhahaha, heh-hem.

So yep, here's Sammi's somewhat WIP family c:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Trade: I'm sorry~

Her amazing main couple from her obviously epic comic; Reqes and Alison!! <333 I adore these 2 ;u; they have an intriguing, tense relationship I imagine, hehe. Regardless of their troubled pasts and crazy families, they find a way to love and protect each other *cutenessoverload* NOM~

 Feels like I haven't shaded anything for ages, heh e3o was a li'l rusty. Thankfully it came out decent. I just had to include blood splat in le BG. Oh the drama :XD:

SOM © =Speedeh

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Little alternative outfit I'm considering making her main outfit X'D... *slapped* or yeah, just alternative.

Where do I start?/Do you even read my rambling?? Lol anyway. I ADORE Krissie's eye color and have wanted to use it in her clothes color scheme for a while now *u*
After this pic [link] I almost always imagined her in a blazer top, it's just so HER <3333 or maybe I just prefer layers 8U most my cast has jacket/top layer of some kind for color contrast... Yep.
Random peep-toes of doom!! 8D... Are probably not part of main outfit XD but are very cute and I sketched in her toes by accident. Woops OuO
Blah anyway, I'm always doodling her in various outfits, she's like my little Barbie doll <33 *cough* only sexier.

I don't think I've ever drawn her 'beautiful smile' correctly >.< but she looks pretty good here I think~
Yet again I rough-doodled the pose first, really helps guys figures out where every limb is and stuff.
MIIIINT. That is all. Tis a divine color~ *noms*
Hope you love it xx

Emerald High © ~Pinkaila 2012.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Avvie comms 1

Updated: 15/9/2012

Here's your avatar commissions!!
Coz nothing is more rewarding than drawing things for other people, seriously lol 8'U

Leroy - True Justice © =DatumShark
GM - GM the Hero © ~gilster262
Herself © *Hai-Kulture
Brad - Stoned to Death © =Stonedtodeath
Charles - Mad Teens © *mystique-cake
Herself © =Speedeh

Want one? Watch out for a journal update: [link] !!
Though I may raise the price next time 8D *slapped*
Hope you love them xx

Artwork © ~Pinkaila 2012.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Don't wake me up...

Does this make up for the fact I haven't drawn Sammi in a looooooooooooong time? :XD: *slapped so hard*
Apart from that crossdress pic of course lol.

Completely inspired by Chris Brown's 'Don't wake me up'!! Asdfghjkl, that song is amazing <33333 the moment I heard it I imagined Sammi just chillin' in his room 8U coz he's cool like that~

So yeah, meet half of Sammi's room I always had a vague idea of what it would look like; Smallish, darkish, not very cluttered I wanted more crap on the book/game case but wasn't sure what OTL cream walls coz his mom thinks his room's too dark as is >u>
Hehe, you can see how crazy he is over Krissie, he probably has a box full of photos of her... Coz he's not obsessed like that. Nope. He's obviously been raiding my gallery -u- That boxing poster is possibly my fav pic of him so far, hehe <33

 I doodled this in my sketch book of crapness first, but even the doodle was beyond epic so I just HAD to draw it properly!!! most detailed BG I've EVER done thus far!! *cutenessoverloadplz* So proud right now and once I started on the details I almost couldn't stop lol. His pose was... Scarily easy to do the second time round. Coloring took forever. Ce la vie, BGs are something I must conquer, mwhahahhaah!! >8U
Hope you love it xx

Emerald High © ~Pinkaila 2012.