Sunday, April 22, 2012

Gift: Rrrrrrrrrrajita

Of her totally gorgeous Rajita from her currently secret comic, mwhahaha. Anyway, she's beyond beautiful, nomnomnom <333 pleasure drawing her. Tried to make her look concerned, she looks more flirty X'D I don't even-
Literally stole BG from this pic: [link] coz I can *slapped*
Hope you love it xx

Tragic Territory © *TragiCat 2012.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Main girls~

Just some quick sketches of who I consider the main girls so far X'D some you may know or heard of... or not.

Grade 10 - Krissie, Kexi, Alicia and Cassandra
Grade 9 - Amilia, Daisy, Cleo and Harriette

Recently I feel like just ditching most my old characters :P mainly coz they have no use or are too similar to another one etc. I also feel each need a role and dominant characteristic, thus making them a valuable friend/team member. So yeah, dividing them up and narrowing them down, as simple as it sounds, it's tricky, haha OTL

So anyway! Little info on these ladies?
Krissie - The playful, daring one (golden blond hair, aqua green eyes, mid tan skin)
Amilia - The panicky, geeky one (light brown hair, dark green eyes, pale skin)
Daisy - The loud, cunning one (light blond hair, dark brown eyes, very pale skin)
Kexi - The relaxed, wise one (black hair/purple highlights, red eyes, pale-ish skin)
Alicia - The worrisome, motherly one (dark brown hair, dark red eyes, mid brown skin)
Cassandra - The flirty, outgoing one (red hair, grey eyes, mid tan skin)
Harriette - The moody, dominant one (dark ginger? hair, light green eyes, pale skin)
Cleo - The chatty, polite one (black hair, yellow eyes, very dark skin)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

For ya~

Literally just sketched this XD....
Sketching a lot lately. Got new sketch pad. Going pretty crazy with it. Practice~

Listening to 'Grenade' right now by Bruno Mars <333 f*cking epic song~
Inspired me to doodle my Sammi having his brains blown out :3 meant to be blood splatter, lol fail.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


LOL, I have no idea X''D I just know I started doodling Daisy like she was peeking onto page or whatever. And ended up drawing Karl and various things associated with them; showing how opposite they are. (Was also birth of OC for the 'KURE' project, lolol, random. Had a troll like thing in mind, somehow drew THAT XD) so yeah, just a random sketch for anyone who even reads this... wanting to upload sh*t to DA sometimes 8P

Friday, April 13, 2012

I hate you all

You asked for it...................................................... literally  XD
Happy (late) Easter everyone!!
Lol, very late X'D and Karl truly does hate you all now *im high* he's either gonna kill Daisy or you after this 8'D
I felt like I rushed this OTL bleh, hopefully just a minor art block whatever XD...
Hope you love it xx

Emerald High © *Pinkaila 2012.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Gift: True love

Twas her day of birth yesterday eue hope you had a good one~
Her awesometastic sexilicious couple Leroy and Xabrina ahuhuhuuuhuuuu <3 I think I've drawn Xabby a few times actually, she rules X'D
He's... smelling her hair? I dunno. They're such a wonderful couple and I know you fangirl 'em hon ;D

Lol, I'm rockin' the disappearing hands/arms in these couple pics 8D *shot*
I rushed this a bit, wanted it done in time >.< excuse his f*cking massive hand >XD
Hope you love it xx

True Justice © =CartoonCrazy91 2012.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Gift: Raige

Coz you've done so much for meh ;u;
I'm not sure what this is, but I really hope you like it ...
Her gorgeous Ruby (right) and Paige being gorgeous together X3
I couldn't find any particular outfits, so just drew 'em naked X'''D *shot* and I'm not entirely sure of their personalities either, so woo!! 8'D... I just love Ruby and wanted to draw lesbians again, OK??
Lol, Simpson style dot-nipples
Hope you love it xx

Ruby and Paige © *LadyLoriel 2012.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

New designs/bios XP

Been working on a super simple bio designs, coz doing them is time consuming enough without formatting them and changing colors and blah X'D
Also li'l updates on the designs, I really wanna use/write about more of them OTL to get a better 'view' of them and what they wear and everything. Idealy, I'd have every one of my cast as a main character at some point, thus they'd need to be a strong, well rounded character to maintain a leading role, depending on the storyline :P

So err, yeah, I'm typing up quite a lot of scripts lately XD and feel like doing more, I swear the cola's getting to me 8D

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New love

I really wanted to pair Kexi up with someone, since I've been rather crazy over lesbian pairings lately X'D... and Alicia is totally her type, dark and curvy, ahuu <3 plus they've been friends for ages 8P dunno whether to make it official and whatever, so I'll just post some shizz here~

Originally written: 22nd March 2012


She's lying on her bed, in black pyjamas, watching TV and eating potato chips. Looking rather happy with herself.

Kexi (VO): Heh, it's crazy how things change... after my first and last girlfriend I thought f*ck love. F*ck relationships. Most the time they're just meaningless and one sided anyways. The said last one was more like zero sided, hehe. Best part of being with someone is the feeling that you're needed. Loved. Never alone. I've... Never really had that. Heh, I'm more of a loner, despite how many people I chat to and hang out with. That can be described as 'independent' too... I guess. Either way, I'm pretty excited for tomorrow!

She rolls onto her side, licking the salt off her fingers.

Kexi (VO): I always 'liked' her, but I never imagined BEING with her. And yet, here we are... Dating. Well, going to see a so-bad-it's-good movie, but whatever! She's such a beautiful, loving girl... Isn't it weird how you suddenly find yourself insanely attracted to someone after years of just being friends? What the f*ck?! But I always kinda loved her, I just... Never knew she was bi?? Haha.

Cut back to earlier that week.


Krissie is manically searching her locker.

Krissie: Oh dammit!

Kexi: Lost your brains again, hon?

Krissie: Ha! When I find 'em they'll get a kick alright, for not remembering where the hell I put everything!

Kexi: Chiiiiiill, hehe. By the way, we should check out that new coffee store near the mall. I hear they sell Vanilla flavor (wiggles eyebrows)

Krissie: Sounds amazingly delicious, sweetie (still agitated and emptying locker) but isn't it err, your club night?

Kexi: Meh, it's always the same crap, haven't been for a few weeks, actually... So seriously, what the hell you looking for? (laughs)

Krissie: Nothing important! (grins) just my English assingment of which I've been writing for the last 6 weeks and deleted from my computer the moment I printed it to save space on my hard drive for movie downloads!!!!

Krissie slams her locker shut, her grin quickly morphs into a raging snarl.

Kexi: ... Okaaay, hehe.

Krissie: Oh f*ck it! What were you saying, hon? Vanilla coffee! Yes, I desperately need some now, haha!

Krissie links Kexi's arm and practically pulls her down the corridor.


Alicia is walking down the corridor, looking rather nervous and glancing at the room numbers.

Daisy appears out of seemingly nowhere.

Daisy: Hellooooo, welcome to the Club floor! Also known as CF! Can I help you?? You look a little lost, HEY, you're Krissie friend aren’t you?? Oh my gosh, hiiiii, are you Amanda?!

Alicia: (smiles) Um, no, Alicia. And um, where's they g-

Daisy glomps her around the neck.

Daisy: You're gorgeous!! I love your hair! Who does your hair? Do YOU do your hair? You're so amazing if you do do your hair!! So shiny and curly (strokes Alica's hair, chibi-eyed)

Alicia: Why, thank you (giggles) heh-hem, but could you direct me to the err, Proud club?

Daisy: Oh my god! You're gay??? We should totally go out sometime! (nosebleeds slightly) oops! Where are my manners? Room 5, juuuuuust back down from where you came from! Have fun, it's an awesome club! I should know, I go there at least once a week, along with the L.O.W. club, Animal club, Tennis club-

Alicia backs up and manages to escape Daisy's endless blabbing of doom.

She soon finds room 5, takes a deep breathe and enters.


Krissie and Kexi are sat on bar seats, surrounded by oldish men, swearing young adults and general perverted weirdos.

Kexi: I... don't think this is a coffee store.

Krissie: More like a bar... That, sells coffee?

Kexi: ... School?

Krissie: Yep.

They quickly get up and try to escape without looking anyone in the eye.

A random old guy eye's Krissie's bum and whistles.

Krissie: Ugh! Rotton-

Kexi: For your life's sake, ignore him (pulls her)


Krissie: Do I LOOK 18?

Kexi: Err, not really? Hehe.

Krissie: Then why do I get cavemen whistling at me every damn week??

Kexi: Coz there's pedophiles, like, everywhere now? How should I know.

Krissie: Hmph, it’s true apparently... Good job Sammi isn't with me all day, he'd have smashed the jerk's face in. He's an angel like that (flutters lashes)

Kexi: Hehe... So err, back to school? You should probably find your English thingies and I might as well see how Evanio's doing.

Krissie: Yeah... (rubs head) you get going hon, see ya later.


Alicia enters, greeted by more people than she imagined. Everyone is just hanging around, chatting, laughing, playing video games, watching TV, wondering WTF the club is for anymore.

Evanio: You're wondering what the f*ck this club is for aren’t you?

Evanio is pale, has short, curly black hair, glasses, rather chubby, wearing black and white clothes. (DO REF??)

Alicia: Um, Kind of? (giggles)

Evanio: (sighs) Hello, welcome, I'm Evanio. I founded the club, there WERE rules and schedules but now it's just a useless hang out sh*thole filled with people I don't even think ARE gay.

Jason: Hey 'Lic! (waves to Alicia)

Evanio: Including that attention seeking newb... (snarls)

Alicia quickly heads over to Jason and takes a seat next to him.

Alica: This... isn't really how I imagined it would be.

Jason: Yeah. And between you and me, I think Evanio has a thing for me!

Jason grins and winks at Evanio, Evanio sticks a middle finger up at him.

Jason: See? If that's not finger-lingo for 'bum ya later' I dunno what is!!

Alicia feels uneasy and suddenly smells alcohol.

Alicia: Are you drunk???

Jason: Maybe baby!!

She squirms as he leans towards her, licking his lips. But is saved by the loud-ass bell.

Evanio: Ugh, f*ck this! Everyone out, NOW!! And when I find out who brought alcohol you'll be banned from this room for all eternity!

Random guy: Good luck finding me!

Evanio: Pfft, idiot.

They all crowd out the room, most drunk and shouting. Alicia ends up being pushed to the back of the room in the struggle.
She hears a familiar voice outside.

???: Hehe, I knew the place would be lost without me, but seriously dude? What happened?!

Evanio: Get lost Kexi! You haven't been here for ages, and I don't blame you. This stupid club's lost all meaning...

Kexi: Err, of course it has. You founded this place years ago right? Simply coz you felt alone? Well, guess what. There's about 9,483,629 gay/lesbian/bi/trans students in this school, and counting. Give up, dude!

Evanio: Ugh, quit exaggerating. YOU run the damn place! I've had enough!

Evanio storms off. Kexi just watches him for a moment. Knowing he's just mad that he's not 'the only gay in the school' so to speak.

Kexi: We've all felt alone at one point...

Alicia quietly comes out the door behind Kexi, wondering whether to rush off or stay.

Alicia: Hiya Kex! (beams)

Kexi: (looks behind) Hey Alicia (looks forward then back again) Alicia??

Alicia: I was just, checking out what clubs there were, actually.

Kexi: Err... You were in there. I just saw-

Alicia: Um yeah... Quite a disorganized club hm? (giggles)

Kexi just stares at her, not realizing she is.

Alicia: What?

Kexi: Huh? Oh, nothing... Are you-?

Alicia: Bi... Actually. Not that I'm that interested in dating. I mentioned a while ago, my dad doesn't see any reason to... Yet.

Kexi: Oh... No wonder you think guys are creeps, hehe.

Alicia: Well, not creeps, just... More into sex and whatever. It really annoys me.

Kexi (VO): I do really like her... But in 'that way'?? Heh, always worth a try. You never know where things can lead. But now? She'll just think I'm using her coz I know she's into girls. F*ck, Kexi. Just f*ck.

Kexi: Mmmmaybe we should go out sometime?

Alicia: Out? (giggles) like, on a date, you mean?

Kexi: (laughs nervously) Well, ya know, we're friends aren't we-?

Alicia: What’s wrong with just being friends? Hehehe, you silly thing!

Kexi: Well, I do really like you... (gazes at her)

Alicia sways a bit, then looks down.

Kexi: One date? (wrinkles her nose) please? Just... See how it goes.

Alicia looks up, her big, dark eyes looking rather flirty now.

Alicia: (giggles) Sure.


Kexi (VO): Yeah, super crap story! But, I couldn’t help but feel like I'd had a secret crush on her. Secret even to myself. Even when we were just friends I adored her innocent nature. But, knowing she might just love me back, I dunno, it made me want her more... Obviously, hehe. So yeah... We'll see how it goes.

Le end.

I'm leaving so many possible relationships for you it's evil, right?? 8D

Hehe, have this quick sh*t~

Gender bender~

Doodled this ages ago :B Blogger is f*cking up at uploading pics recently >.>
Anyways, I totally imagined them dressed as each other dancing to 'All the single ladies' and 'If I was a boy'...


My mind is so f*cked :3

Monday, April 2, 2012

Inner demons

Behold!! Art *gwah*

Just a little scene from my 'Inner demons' script: [link]
Where Karl is so sick of the noise and madness in his house that he'd rather sit outside forever alone for all eternity. Oh Karl, you pathetic jerk, but we love you :3

First time ever in my life drawing an actual house (from refs) e3o I don't exactly stare at strangers houses you see -u- thus suck at such technical buildings. But alas I did it, I feel accomplished!!

The perspective's all wrong, along with various other little things that are totally inaccurate, but I tried my best ;n;
I need to draw him more, he's so sexy ugly no?? 8D *slapped*

I've had this kinda done for a week, but the more I looked at it the more I hated it, so just uploaded it before I hated it even more X'D...
Hope you love it xx

Emerald High © *Pinkaila 2012.