Monday, December 31, 2012

Some sh*t I never finished this year!!

Hello my lovely followers/stalkers!! Have some unfinished, blindingly raw and unedited crapness to mark another year of improving drastically and failing miserably~ *dummy*

Originally drawn: 18th November 2012 (my 20th birthday ;u;)
Thus why it's special really <333 my first official lineart being 20 years old~
Tis Amilia in a gorgeous dress on a rock somewhere near a waterfall and stream or something!! 8D... was inspired by a friend's work (Kari) actually >u< I really shoulda colored it, but it looks beautiful as is~

Originally colored: 10th December 2012
I fully intended to finish and upload this, so be honest lol. Totally inspired by Marroon 5's 'One more nigh' <333 was soooo hooked on that song!!
Anyway, this is Krissie and Sammi when they're 17 and 18. They live in the same house in season 4 (with a few others) and, mainly coz of the song, I imagined they might not get along as well living together 24/7, lolololol~ As you can see Sammi looks a little run down and Krissie looks a bit controlling I guess X'D
I didn't finish simply coz it didn't make much sense and wouldn't work. Also I wanna work on season 4 more before revealing anything on DA, mwhahahhahahaa!! *slapped*

Originally drawn: 17th August 2012
Just a random idea, and attempt to do some kind of city BG X'D I obviously failed... the sketch was OK-ish  but I really didn't like how the lineart turned out >.< their heads/eyes looked weird. Weirder than usual *slapped* still love the idea of the pervy cola cup, ahuhuu -u-

Originally drawn: 25th October 2012
Just some pose/ass practice? Lol, Kexi so gorgeous, and the most likely to strip off really XD whether she has a real tattoo that says 'Kiss me' on her butt I dunno. Just I temp I imagine ;3 dunno why I did her nails actually. Meh XD

Originally drawn: 14th September 2012
Speech bubbles:
Bully: Look at me! I'm a nerd!!
Next frame: 

LOOOL. I SO wanted to finish this. I may even redo it X'D woulda been worth cracking some of my watchers up ;D
The idea here was that back when Karl was 10 or 11 he was a total push over. He soon realized he'd had enough and that no matter what, he'd give them as good as he got, and maybe more... he's now the lovable, violent, asshole you all know and love :3
Bully is nobody lol. Just for joke. 

Originally drawn: 11th October 2012
Just felt like sketching Akzetah (Sammi's mom) and her lovely boyfriend of whom Sammi totally doesn't trust thus far X'D I imagined them watching fireworks here <33 on a lovely starry night or whatever~

Originally colored: 8th June 2012
I just imagined Karl as a murder at some point. Meh. He could easily kill his entire family if provoked. Or simply if there's a knife nearby -u- yep. Loved his expression on this one lol, but never felt like posting it XD

Originally colored: 4th March 2012
Kinda wanted to finish and upload this lol XD but I dunno... the idea was that Daisy loves nature and junk and decides to host a 'Naked day' at the school. Jason (for obvious reasons) helps her out and yeah I still don't even know... e3o
Was good anatomy practice though? 8D

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Xmas... thing 8D

I... totally rushed this X'D and yet it still took too long, asdfghjkl 8'U

Once I imagined it all I just had to at least attempt it (it was funnier a month ago in the middle of the night 8|)

Oh well, I managed to finish it for New Year!!
Pfft, I only DO group pics once a year. Feels like it. Woulda added more but I ran outta outfits by Amilia anyway X'D Xmas, Y U not like Halloween?? D'8

So yep. Have Karl the happy Elf, Jason the totally not gay Reindeer, Sammi the skeptical Santa, Krissie the chocolate devouring Snowgirl, Daisy the confused killer Fairy and Amilia the virgin with Chucky, I mean Jesus *slapped for all eternity*

Since I simply couldn't sketch them all on one page, I drew them separately and patched them together best I could XD Jason's too small/short I think, bleh, I don't even care anymore XD just so pleased I got it done to a decent standard OTL (download plz <33)

Hope you love it xx

Emerald High © *Pinkaila 2012. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Gift: Creepy and creepier?

For those of you that wanna know what the bloody hell is going on (including Kari X'D) Hugo is drunk brainless and obviously thinks Kai's a girl he... kind of is? He has boobs. That's enough for Hugo, lolololol~
I've always seen Kai as a him really XD maybe him being a him when I first watched you has something to do with it Kari -u- *slapped*

I tried OTL so unproductive lately (duh) the background was annoying me at first, didn't know where the hell they were X'D settled on a bar of some kind and used lovely pattern and made decent seat thing and ta-da 8D...
Oh and he's eating Spaghetti Bolognese or something similar I failed to draw accurately
Hope you love it xx

Tragic territory © *Floetepus 2012.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gift: Let's go!

His gorgeous, somewhat twin, sisters Alice and Pan love them so damn much >u<
Alice so funny, spunky and crazy, Pan so adorable, kind and, well, cowardly X'D I simply ADORE them <333
Here? Well, Alice is probably dragging her somewhere fun, I dunno, a million foot roller coaster? 8U and she don't wanna go nuh-uh. Pleasure drawing theeem <33

God I haven't drawn properly for a whiiile now OTL need to get back in action lol. And what better way than Xmas gifts, ho ho ho ;3
Hope you love it xx

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Gift: Wanna play?

Her beyond all sexiness video game store owner Victoria >u> from her project she better title soon >8D and she gonna complete Monkey island before any of you hell yus~
Pleasure drawing her. BOOBS. That is all <333
Hope you love it xx

Victoria © *LadyLoriel 2012.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Gift: I'm listening~

Of her adorable, yet dysfunctional, couple Kishai and Mieko from her epic novel of which I simply cannot wait to read, Asdfghjkl ;u;
Gave him MP3 player or whatever coz I didn't know what to do with hands, as usual 8D... plus he loves music, hehe >u>
Oh well, here you are hon, you deserve something for being so niiiiiiice <333
Hope you love it xx

Redemption © =Roreri 2012.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Sketched this aaaaaaaaaages ago (dated 13th October OTL) but since I'm drawing virtually nothing recently... yeah. I got bored and colored it!!

Do I need to explain? Well I will anyway 8U
Cory has this seemingly endless crush on Kexi. He's apparently had loads of girlfriends and thinks he can get any girl. So when Kexi says they're just friends and in no way, shape or form does she fancy him he gets pretty desperate, ahuhuu. He gets easy jealous and junk so warns Sammi away from her on their first day even AT EH. Thus she starts telling everyone she's gay simply to get rid of him yeah. Nice tactic Kex... He doesn't believe her and tries everything to win her heart anyway blah blah. So he's bloody surprised when an ex girlfriend of hers shows up. Oh the complicatedness -u-

Le art? Kinda sucks and I've improved since X'D I hope. Nothing I ever start drawing is worth being posted but yeah whatever *slapped* as long as it's slightly funny it's worth it plus I haven't drawn Cory for a year, surely...

And what is it with me and short people?? Asdfghjk. At least Cornelius here embraces his shortness, Karl just hates it ahuhuuu.
Hope you love it xx

Emerald High © ~Pinkaila 2012.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Avvie comms 3

Here's your avatar commissions!! *squee* Which seem to be later every month *slapped*

Alejandro - SOM © =Speedeh (still singing Gaga. Thanks Nel)
Eros - SOM © =Speedeh
Leon/Himself © =Leon4989
Daniel - SSS © *kd8lmno
Connor - True Justice © =DatumShark
Alexandra - DSN © =Speedeh (paid for by =Leon4989 go thank him <3)

Hope you love them xx

Artwork © ~Pinkaila 2012 .

Friday, October 26, 2012

Wanna kiss?...

Remember this LINK sh*tacular crap?? Well here's some NEW sh*tacular crap!!  *dummy*

God I'm original, huh? X'D but if an old idea still has appeal, it proves it was quite a good idea in the first place 8U Sexy Jason covered in sexy blood for sexy Halloween. Admit it. Halloween is sexy 8| <333

Was simply a doodle on crappy paper, but to my surprise the pen didn't bleed like hell like I thought it would, thus I continued ouo is soo out of proportion, bleh. But he looks rather real here actually X'D
I don't soft shade for 2 years and I improve??? No sense... Anyway, this probably took 3-4 hours just to shade e3o I really got into it. Somehow. Now excuse me while I cry over how much I've improved -u-

 *pumpkin* HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! *pumpkin*
Hope you love it xx

Emerald High © ~Pinkaila 2012.


Monday, October 22, 2012

There will be blood~

Originally drawn: 14/10/2012

It's Halloween. The end 8|

Lol, this looks too much like that pic I did last year XD tis on this blog somewhere actually. Practicing/failing with colored pencils, woo!! 8D
I used to love my pencils D8 they so lonely now ;o;
Anyway, this is beyond craptastic. Hope you like it c:

Friday, October 19, 2012

Gift: Jooooooooo~

Her adorable Jo from her story thingy <333 that I literally just sketched this morning OTL but I simply had to draw you something hon ;u;
 *rose* Very happy birthdaaay!!! *glomp*
Hope you love it xx

Connection © *CocoAngelic 2012.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Boooooooobs. Well, covered boobs *slapped*

Little anatomy and body type practice 8U They're not wearing piercings, hair accessories or clothes here (duh) 8D

Amilia - I imagine her very thin 8P she doesn't eat much bless her, her diet consists of chocolate, crap school meals and dinners she just picks at then eats bits of -u- she's hopeless... her dad can't cook, so she was brought up on snacks mainly >.< but since her mom moved back in with them she's been trying to shove gross, greasy food down her daughter's throat. Like any loving mom would do 8D...

Krissie - Is based on my body. Eats whatever the hell she likes. The end 8D *slapped* her brother can cook, he's now a manager of a restaurant lol. But no matter how hard he works he loves cooking for her and him, nearly every evening. She rarely snacks but likes a few good, filling meals everyday. She loooves pasta 8U (like me).

Daisy - Has whopper HIPS *slapped* heh-hem. Is vegetarian, mainly coz her mom is, but also coz she likes animals and is heavily disgusted by the idea that people eat them D'8 she also eats impossible amounts of sweets/candy/sugary snacks -u-' she should be fat lol, but thanks to her veggie intake she has energy, of which she uses to run around all day annoying people and playing tennis. Woo.

Kexi - Not sure to be honest XD she chews a lot of gum? Thus that keeps her mouth busy and stops her eating as much... lol, either way, she's rather slim with a cute chest <33

..... How the HELL I started talking about food when I was meant to be talking about their bodies, I have no idea X''D somewhat related of course. Meh~

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Oh the drama~

A very handy article: LINK~ about how to create and plan a Soap opera >u>

Never really had EH down as such lol, but there's enough drama, conflict and characters to make it fit into that category X'D 'cept it's funnier. Well, I WANT it to be funnier... some dramas bore the sh*t outta me, I gotta admit -u- so it will be a light hearted see-the-funny-side style soap opera, I imagine. Even though sh*t gets serious rather quickly 8U

1. OK, theme and tone; presumably melodramatic and lighthearted, yet serious when need be. Ugly Betty comes to mind, heh...

2. Setting; City of Punksdale, North Carizona (fictional state OTL) mainly set in high school, but also character's homes and local places of interest.

3. Core 'family'; Sammi, Jason, Krissie, Karl and Amilia... Daisy is becoming a support, to be honest *slapped so hard*

4. Bleeeeeeeh, it gets complicated from here X'D gonna have to work on it all more >.<

What can I say? I tried 'making' it a sitcom but it still has serious elements, of family issues and junk, so yeah, Soap opera/drama is more likely, and easier for me to do, somehow 8P

Friday, October 5, 2012

Gift: ....................

I worked like a mad woman to get this done in time for you sweetheart  *mega came*
I usually fail with deadlines/birthday's but the moment I thought this up I just HAD to draw X''D

Sorry I totally destroyed them for all eternity!! 8'D Especially Jaclyn. Just the thought of Maxx naked is enough to make anyone hurl :3 and Brad so adorable and innocent <33 Maxx obviously convinced him this was a good idea -u- and, of course, an excuse to strip off and jump out of cake. Hell why not?

So like, they're on a table, and probably on their knees since the cake's so short lol. Blah, I tried >.< the idea was there, I forgot about the logical layout -u-

Aaaanyway, even though your mind-childs have probably already said happy birthday, here's one from me... Of them... Saying happy birthday. Yep.

 *blackrose* Happy Birthday hon!! Hope you had an awesome day <333
Hope you love it xx

Stoned To Death © =Stonedtodeath 2012.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pucker up~

I have like, a million pics of other people's couples like this yet none of my own?  XD
What is this procrastinating blasphemy?!?!!  *gwah*

Lol anyway, my somewhat main couple Krissie and Sammi <333 not exactly a 'scene' from my 'Stole my heart' script, but inspired from it, yus >u>

When I think about it, they're so opposite it's insane. She's quite playful and open, he's rather serious and callous, blah blah, you catch my drift X'D Heh, they say opposites attract, and I totally think they do ;3 for they complete what we're not or however you wanna put it >3>
Oh look!! They have the same length hair... Lololololol 8D

I seriously lose all sense of proportion when it comes to characters on this scale OTL huge haaands. Ugh. Need to work on that... But I guess hands are almost as big as our faces anyway? 8D *slapped*
Struggled a bit with Sammi's expression X'D but he looks rather 'WTH babe?' so it'll do... Could not in any way create a BG that worked, thus more transparentness -u-
Hope you love it xx

Emerald High © ~Pinkaila 2012.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Stole my heart

Originally written: 8/9/2012

Part 1


???: I knew I shouldn't have done it... Thinking back I don't even know what possessed me. How I found the courage to do something that I knew damn well was wrong, I have no idea... Was it love? The sudden need to give her something that symbolized my feelings? Pfft. Like a mere piece of jewelry expresses how much I care for her? I don't know. I just know it looked so perfect in that store window. As perfect as her... I shouldn't have done it... But it’s too late now.


An image of Sammi holding a small box, looking terrified, flashes on screen as someone shouts off screen;

Man: There he is!!

Sammi shoves the box in his inside pocket and sprints down the street. We see him dart around a few corners then he jumps behind some trashcans just as the man and 2 cops catch up to him. He can't be seen in the shadows.

He holds his breathe a moment as the men's voices fade, then drops his shoulders, trying to catch his breathe.

Sammi: F*ck...

He lightly elbows the trashcan next to him. Just about breathing normally, he takes the box out his pocket.
Opens it; It's a ring. A gold ring with 3 lilac gems on it, the middle one is a big heart-shaped gem. It sparkles in the moonlight. He smiles to himself, admiring the detail of it.
His smile slowly drops however. He sighs.

Sammi (VO/Thinks): What the HELL was I thinking?? "C'mere babe, I have a surprise for you! A f*cking expensive solid gold ring that I obviously can't afford that I only acquired and saved until I felt the time was right to propose to you! Oh my god, where'd you get it! Oh I totally didn't steal it babe. Yeah."... F*ck. Just f*ck... It looked so beautiful. Moment I saw it I imagined Krissie wearing it, heh... I shoulda done this the right way. Ya know, graduate, get a f*cking job, THEN buy this stupid thing!... But who knows where we'll be in 3, 4 years time? She could easily ditch me and find someone else. She said it herself; We're still young. I rarely doubt myself, but... I don't deserve her. She's everything I'm not; outgoing, cheerful, trusting, ha... I sometimes wonder what she sees in me. A bad boy? She used to anyway... Well, she will now, won't she? Stealing a f*cking ring. Yeah, she's gonna love you now, you f*cking idiot...

He bangs his head on the wall behind him.


Sammi opens and closes his front door as quiet as possible. He holds his breathe, hoping to god no one heard/seen him. He freezes and listens. Nothing. He sighs in relief then turns around nearly bumping into Kyle.

Sammi: What the?!?!!

Kyle is 7 years old, dark brown hair, orange eyes, African American and is Sammi's mom's boyfriend's son.

Kyle: Where you been?

Sammi: Nowhere buddy (squats down) you get back to bed yeah, it's what? 12am? School tomorrow.

Kyle: You have school tomorrow tooo!

Sammi: Teenagers don't need as much sleep (smiles)

Kyle: (giggles) Nu-uh, you told me teenagers need more sleep, coz they grow quicker or something.

Sammi: Hehe, clever li'l man ain'cha?

Sammi ruffles Kyle's thick hair then gently spins him around.

Sammi: Bed.

Kyle: Oh c'mooon, where've you been? I wont tell, I promise!

Kyle glares at him with big adorable eyes.

Sammi: ... Fine.

Kyle beams and rushes upstairs. Sammi slowly follows him.


Sammi's now in his lounge wear; black tank top, red Pajama bottoms. Kyle pulls himself up onto Sammi's bed; He's wearing light blue pajamas.
Sammi digs in his leather jacket pocket for the box, then quickly opens it.

Kyle: Oh wow... So pretty. Who's it for?

Sammi: Guess.

Kyle: Your mom?!

Sammi: (laughs) Hell no! For Krissie...

Kyle: Oooh cool! Can I try it on?

Sammi: Boys don't wear jewelry (smiles)

Kyle: YOU do!

Sammi: Yeah yeah, we get it!

Kyle giggles hysterically, rolling around on the bed.

Sammi: Hey, keep it down...

Kyle: Why? Akzeta and dad are out.

Sammi: WHAT????? They left you on your-!

Kyle: Nohohoo! My baby sitter's fell asleep on the couch...

Sammi: What the hell kinda sitter is SHE??


A ginger haired girl with glasses, green eyes-Cut to the chase; It's Jess, Karl's sister.
Sammi and Kyle stand staring at her sleeping on their couch. She's surrounded by snacks, empty cola bottles and sweets.

Kyle: See?

Sammi: Ah.... Haa. She looks... A bit like-

The phone rings in the hallway. Kyle runs to get it.

Kyle: Hello?... What?... You could walk?... OK. Yeah I'm fine Akzeta! Sammi's back and he's got this awesome-

Sammi manically rushes at Kyle and grabs the phone from him.

Sammi: Awesome!... New toy for him! Yeah! I just stopped by Toys 4 U on the way back from Jason's house! (nervous laugh)

Akzeta: Oh how thoughtful of you love. I was just telling Kyle there's a hold up somewhere in the traffic. Apparently some store was robbed early. There's cops everywhere...

Sammi (Thinks): How much WAS that ring?...

Akzeta: I dunno how long we're gonna be love. Seen you soon OK?

She hangs up. Sammi's mind reels for a moment.

Sammi (Thinks): Why, WHY was I so stupid?? Every criminal gets caught eventually... Ha, I'm no criminal. But I stole a f*cking expensive ring... Apparently. It was a stupid spontaneous act I know... But I did it for her. Is Krissie worth going to jail for?... Of course she is. It would prove how much I love her, if anything... Wouldn't it?

Jess snorts loudly in the background. Sammi jumps from his thoughts.

Kyle: Sammi? (blinks) What's wrong?

Sammi: Huh? Nothing buddy. They're fine. Get to bed.

Kyle looks anxious. He calmly heads up stairs.

Part 2


Sammi is tossing and turning in bed. Still wondering what possessed him to do such a thing.

Sammi (Thinks): Krissie'll love it! I know she will. She wont care or question where I got it. Point is I got it for her. To remind her how much I love her. A symbol of love that she'll always wear... Just like I wear the cross dad gave me. That ring was just so perfect and beautiful... Just like her. Moment I saw it I wanted to reach out and get it for her. That's... pretty much what I did. Out of instinct. I barely remember going in the store at all. I walked in and just grabbed it while the owner's back was turned... I think. I know it was wrong. But something overtook me...

He hears someone coming up the stairs. He sits up and freezes. Then remembers the baby sitter; Jess.

Jess: Kyle?! You asleep?... Ugh, which room is-?

She swings open Sammi's door and screams the house down.

Jess: Oh my god!! Who the f*ck are you?!??!

Sammi: Err, Kyle's older brother? You mind?

Jess glares at him... Biting her lower lip.

Jess: How MUCH older?

Sammi: You're here to look after a kid, not make out with their f*cking siblings...

Jess: Oooh bad boy huh?! I like you already!

Sammi snarls at her.

Sammi: Why and HOW are you even a sitter?

Jess: Ugh, trust me, I HATE kids! I just want money, obviously! Wait. Holy sh*t what time is it?? I said I'd be home for like, 1am. F*ck! Wait, where's the kid's paren-?

Sammi: I'M here now. And I'm much more capable of looking after him than YOU are. Get outta here!

Jess: Whatever! I'm $8 an hour, pay up!

Sammi: You were asleep for 3 hours!!

Jess: And?

Sammi snarls, jumps out of bed and runs at her. She screams and rushes down the stairs.

Jess: Fine you whacko! Next time they call me I'm so charging double!!

She slams the front door shut behind her.

Sammi: Pfft... Greedy bitch.

Sammi glances in the living room, which is a total mess thanks to Jess. He sees her bag on the table with her swirly signature on it; Jessica Jeanry. Sammi smirks.

Sammi: Karl's sister? Pfft. Small world.


Sammi (Thinks): Should I? Shouldn't I?? The opportunity's too perfect and would stop me getting the blame... Then again when did Jess show up? Mom and Kevin would be her witnesses. So would Kyle. Oh forget it Sammi! Planting the ring in her damn bag is a STUPID idea...

Sammi slams his locker shut and rests against it.

Sammi (Thinks): But she obviously wants money. She seems like a total liar and cheat and if she's related to Karl, well, she's bound to be an a$$hole, ha... Besides. The owner and cops know what I look like. Kind of. Ugh. Think Sammi THINK...

???: Hey handsome pants!

Sammi startles at the voice in his ear. Krissie's right next to him, sniggering.

Sammi: Hey gorgeous... Pants?

Krissie: Hahaha! Well you failed that one. Soooo we still on for tonight? You were right Sammi, we should actually 'go out together' more often. Like we used to, I suppose~

Sammi: Huh? OH yeah! Err, actually, I said I'd watch Kyle tonight. Yeah (rubs neck)

Krissie: You're lying (dirty smile)

Sammi: How'd-?

Krissie: You always rub your neck when you're lying and you look edgy as HELL hon! What's up hmmmm??

Sammi: Pfft whut?? Nothing. I'm fine.

Krissie: No you're nooot!

She makes a smoochy face and grips his jaw, shaking his head for him.

Sammi: Babe, seriously.

Krissie: Tell me what's wrooong~

Sammi: Get off!

He laughs and gently pushes her away.

Krissie: Mmm. Well, ARE you baby sitting or not?

Sammi: ... No.

Krissie: Thank you! See ya later handsome pants, I have joyous Algebra to attend!!

Sammi sniggers to himself as she rushes down the hallway. He eyes her bum and curvy legs.

Sammi (Thinks): ... Tonight. I'll give it to her... Problem solved?... What if she's caught wearing it though-oh sh*t. Sammi just... Take it back. There's no point causing anymore problems. Yep. Fine. I'm taking that f*cking thing back.

He swings open his locker and gets Jess's bag out. He takes out the box and shoves it back in his own bag.

Part 3


Amilia, Karl and Joey are eating their lunch together. Amilia and Joey are chatting about video games or some crap. Karl lazily eats his lunch.

Someone suddenly drops Jess's bag on top of Karl's lunch.

Karl: WHAT THE HELL?!??!?!!

He looks up to find Sammi grinning slyly at him. Karl gets up and punches Sammi in the stomach.

Sammi: Well that hurt.

Karl: What the f*CK was that for??!?!

Sammi sits opposite Karl. He puts his feet up on the table, further trampling Karl's food.

Sammi: Tell your sister to never come near my house again. And that she's a f*cking useless baby sitter (smiles)

Karl: What?? She's not a baby sitter! Last night she said she was at a party or some bullsh*t!

Sammi swings his legs off the table.

Sammi: How do you explain how I acquired this f*cked up bag then, smartass??

Karl: You could be f*cking sleeping with her for all I know!! She's a f*cking slut!

Sammi: Ha. She did hit on me. I was about to hit on her... Literally.

Karl: Why didn't you?? (narrows eyes) I'd have returned the favor.

Amilia: She can't be that bad Karl...

Karl: She is.

Sammi: She messed up our living room, emptied out our cupboards and nearly attempted to rape me by the look in her eye. Therefore, I hate her.

Karl: Why didn't you just burn her bag? I would have...

Sammi: (shrugs) I wanted to annoy you with it first.

Karl: Thanks (grinds teeth)

Amilia: It's a nice bag actually, where'd she get it? (blinks)

Karl: How the F*CK should I know? And if she seriously was at your house I'm telling dad. He'll kill her... Hopefully.

Sammi: You have a wonderful family Karl (smirks)

Karl: F*ck off!

Karl throws the bag on the floor next to him. Picks up his lunch tray angrily and storms over to the trashcan. Sammi smiles as he does so.

Joey: Hahaha! Nice one Sam! (winks)

Sammi: It's Sammi.

Amilia: Heh, was that really necessary? You coulda just threw it at his big head? (giggles)

Sammi: I guess. The food's disgusting anyway.

Amilia: True...

She squirms at the grease dripping out her burger in her hand.


Sammi is frantically searching for something in his room.

He's dressed in a black polo shirt, collar up, some chest hair showing, his cross chain, black shiny shoes and his usual green pants.

Sammi: Damn it...

Kyle hears him pulling his room to bits.

Kyle: You lost something?

Sammi: Yes! My f*c-silly earring!

Kyle: Haha, I know you swear when I'm not around!

Sammi: Yeah well, don't you start. I'm a potty-mouthed idiot, OK?

Kyle: I know Sammi (grins)

Kyle glances on the floor at Sammi's bag. He sees the ring's box inside.

Kyle: When you gonna give that ring to her?

Sammi: Wha?? No err, I'm not. It was too expensive. I'm taking it back.

Kyle: But I thought money was no object if you loved som-

Sammi: (sighs) Kyle. Listen to me. Don't you DARE mention it to anyone, OK buddy?

Kyle: I... I wont. I promise this time. Sorry I nearly told Akzeta!

Sammi: It's fine buddy... (smiles)


Sammi rushing down the stairs and heading for the front door.

Akzeta: Heeeeey steady there love, where you off to huh?

Sammi: Date. Krissie. Back by 9!!

He slams the door shut behind him.

Akzeta: (hangs mouth)... Well goodbye and thanks for the notice love.

She laughs to herself and heads through to the kitchen.
Kevin, her boyfriend, is there having coffee. He looks concerned.

Kevin: Sammi gone out again? You should question him more Akzeta...

Akzeta: Kevin, he's a good boy OK? I trust him.

Kevin: I know (sighs)... he seems so secretive is all.

Akzeta: He's a teenager love (drinks coffee)

Kevin: Even teens need restrictions and guidance Akzeta... I'd wanna know exactly where Kyle is at all times.

Akzeta: I understand (smiles) but he has his life and I have mine. It's always been that way really... Especially after Samuel died...

Kevin softly grasps her hand.

Kevin: I know it hurts. It can hurt forever... You just have to learn to move on Akzeta. As I did... And in moving on I found another wonderful woman.

They smile fondly at each other.


Krissie is standing outside waiting for Sammi.
She's wearing sunglasses, a lilac tank top, mint green skinny jeans, purple peep toe shoes and gold bracelets.

She breathes in the fresh air. Sammi stops around the corner to the cinema. Takes a deep breathe and pats his cargo pants pocket. He has the ring/box in it.

Part 4


Krissie and Sammi are sat in the cinema. Krissie has convinced Sammi into watching some romantic comedy crap and has surrounded herself with Pepsi and popcorn.

Sammi: I thought you didn't like popcorn...

Krissie: I don't.

She smiles playfully and throws a handful at him.

Sammi: BABE!

He laughs and chucks some back at her. She screams.

Someone in front: Ssssshh!

Said someone turns back around, Krissie grabs more popcorn and aims at them. Sammi pulls her hand back down.

Sammi: Babe, seriously. You come here to watch this or throw sh*t at people?

Krissie: Neither (scoffs popcorn)... I just wanted to spend time with yooooou.

She spits some popcorn out at him then laughs her head off. Sammi shakes his head, smiling.

Krissie: Ugh, I hate this stuff!

Sammi suddenly looks nervous. He checks his pants pocket again.

Sammi (Thinks): Should I? Shouldn't I? If I just give her it that'll be it, right? No-one would suspect anything would they? Pfft. I'm over thinking this. I can easily say it's just a cheap one, I guess... She wont mind or care. Thought that counts. As they say...


Jess: MY BAG! Oh my god, where the actual hell was it??

Karl: At dumbass's house.

Jess: Who??

Karl: Sammi...

Jess: That jerk that totally kicked me out without paying me?! After I'd spent like 6 hours looking after his precious little brother! Like what the HELL??

Karl: He doesn't have a brother?

Jess: Step brother then, I dunno!! Surprised he returned it at all! In fact, why the hell are YOU returning it to me? Oh my god, have you like, murdered some pathetic bird and stashed it in there to traumatize me?! (laughs head off)

Karl: If by 'bird' you mean member of the female species, there WILL be a dead one in a minute...

He snarls and bangs her bedroom door shut. Jess starts looking through her bag.

Jess: Where's my eye shadow damn it??

She tips all the contents out. Something rolls off her bed, catching the light as it does. She blinks then peers over to see what it was... A gold ring.


The movie's finished and people are heading out the cinema. Krissie and Sammi are among the crowd but she rushes ahead. Sammi quickly catches up and grabs her hand, pulling her back.

Krissie: Heeeeeey. C'mon, we can get a take away or something.

Sammi: Yeah sure. It's just err... I... have something for you.

Krissie: Oh? It wouldn't happen to be kiss under the moonlight would it? Haha! But seriously it is getting pretty dark.

Sammi: Ha, yeah...

He reaches in his pocket then shows her the box.

Sammi: It's not much babe but-

Krissie: Sammiiiiiii, I don't want any gifts. Now c'mon, what's this for, huh?

Sammi: (smirks)... Being perfect?

Krissie: Nobody's perfect.

Sammi: Then you're nobody (smiles)

Krissie lightly slaps his face.

Krissie: Seriously hon, I don't want anything!

Sammi: Ha, you might change your mind when-

He slowly opens it; it's empty. Nothing but the foam case thing is inside. Sammi looks horrified.

Sammi: THE F*CK?!?!??!

Krissie: A-a ring?? Sammi really, I don't want such things from yooou. Maybe it's in your pocket? Um anyway, you should take it back hon. It was a sweet thought it really was! And I appreciate it so much! It's just, well, I don't really wear rings if I'm honest, haha.

Sammi barely hears her as his mind races with where it could possibly be;

Sammi (Thinks): Where the actual F*CK is it???? At home? What if mom or Kevin find it? What if Kyle finds it and tells them?? What if he TOOK it?!? No... How could I possibly think that? I trust that little guy. Ugh. I haven't even opened the box since-Wait... Jessica's f*cking bag!!! It must have fell out when I put the box in the f*cking thing when I was gonna f*cking pawn it off with her and F*CK!! How the hell?...

Krissie: Um Sammi?

He jumps from his thoughts, looking distressed as hell. He rubs his face, now wondering whether to tell her the truth.

Sammi: Babe I... I...

He stares into her gleaming green eyes.

Sammi: I stole it for you?... (painful smile)

Part 5


Krissie: (calmly mad) You... What?...

Sammi: Look, I-I don't even know what was going through my head at the time OK?! I just saw it and wanted to get it for you and-and, next thing I knew I had it in my hand and was running off with it-

Krissie: SAMUAL CLANES JUNIOR you take that damn thing back immediately!! Not only do I not want expensive, meaningless gifts from you, I certainly don't want STOLEN expensive, meaningless gifts from you!!

Sammi: (nervous laugh) What do you mean 'meaningless'? Babe I just wanted something to show how much I-

Krissie: Love me??... (rubs head) Sammi honestly. Since when does a silly little ring signify how much someone cares for someone? Plenty people spoil people sh*tless with gifts but most the time it means nothing. Your company is all I want. Really. As corny as that sounds (rolls eyes)

Sammi: W-wait, even if I DID buy this you wouldn't want it?? Babe c'mon (laughs) I coulda got caught and f*cking jailed for this!

Krissie: HA! And at what point did you think getting your ass thrown in jail would impress me?!!

Sammi: It wasn't LIKE that! I just, wanted to prove I'd do anything for you?...

Krissie folds her arms, looking disappointed, for a lack of a better word.

Krissie: Ya know... I thought you had more sense Sammi. I really did.

Sammi: I DO have sense, you know that more than anyone... It was just a-a completely stupid spontaneous thing to do, but it's too late now, OK?!

Krissie: ... Find it and take it BACK Sammi. Please. Like I said, I appreciate the thought but for goodness sake, you STOLE it. How could you expect me to wear it?!

Sammi: (sighs) I... don't know anymore.

Krissie: Well. At least you told me... Makes up for the fact you're a total moron.

Sammi: Pfft. I know...

She glares at him, expecting him to say more.

Krissie: You wouldn't have to get me anything if you said it more, now would you?

Sammi: Said whut?

Krissie: Never mind... (smiles) Just promise me you'll return it...

Sammi (Thinks): All this trouble for nothing...

Sammi: I promise.

She beams and slips her fingers through his.

Krissie: Good! Now enough arguing, ha! Lets get that take away!

Sammi forces a smile and slips the box back in his pocket.

Sammi (Thinks): I'm actually glad Krissie doesn't want it, heh... Woulda been on my conscience forever if she'd worn it. It woulda become a symbol of my stupidity and guilt rather than a symbol of my love for her... Anyway. Getting it back is gonna be harder that getting it in the first f*cking place...


The Jeanry family are about to have dinner. Charlotte, Karl's mom, is happily cooking and laying the table while feeding Junior. Chris, Karl's dad, is still doing paper work for work. Karl trudges down the stairs, earphones in his ears to drown out the endless horror of listening to his family. Jess comes skipping down too, nearly knocking Karl over.

Karl: Watch it bitch!!

Chris: Language KARL (snarls)

Charlotte: Dinnerrrrr!

Jess: Thank you mom! Smells delish as always!

They all eventually sit down at the dining table. Chris proceeds to talk about some lazy jerk at work.

Chris: He's unbearable! I wish they'd just fire that lazy rat!

Charlotte: I'm sure they will dear. You could do your job AND his, heehee, I know you could!

Chris: If I did, I'd be home less, now wouldn't I darling? (sly smile)

Charlotte: As long as you're home by 11pm! (giggles wildly)

Charlotte walks her fingers up her husbands arm, a naughty grin on her face. Karl mimics puking.

Chris: Stop that and eat your damn dinner! (slams fist on table)

Charlotte: He'll eat when he wants to dear.

Chris: He'll eat now or not at all (narrows eyes)...

Karl: F*ck you.

Chris: Say that word ONE more time and I'm throwing you out this house!!

Karl: You swear at work. I know you do.

Chris: That is a completely different setting KARL.

While they're all, well, getting along. Jess stares at her 'new ring' and makes it twinkle in the light.

Charlotte: Hm? Ooooooh what a beautiful ring Jessica!! Where'd you get it darling?

Jess: (smug smile) A friend gave it to me!

Chris: Who?...

Jess: Some guy who totally fancies me!

Chris: When?

Jess: At that party yesterday! Isn't it gorgeous??

Karl: You weren't AT a f*cking party yesterday!! You were at Sammi's f*cking house babysitting his f*cking brother!! You told me yourself you f*cking liar!!

Chris: (angrily gets up) That does it. OUT!

Charlotte: Jess?? Is that true? (upset) Why did you lie to us darling?! What if something happened to you? We had no idea where you actually where you silly girl! Don't lie to us again!

Jess: (rolls eyes) I woooon't. And like it matters now? Besides, he DID give me this! As a reward for my wonderful babysitting, obviously!

Chris grabs Karl's arm and drags him out the room.

Karl: You lying bitch! I bet you stole that from his mom or something!!

Charlotte: Karl! How could you possibly think that of your sister?! She wouldn't take things from people!

Jess: Yeah Karl (flutters lashes)


Chris swiftly chucks Karl out the back door and bangs the door shut on him. Part 6


Sammi frantically looks around. He spots who he's looking for and calmly walks over to the table. He sits down. Said someone is Karl, listening to his MP3 player. Sammi smiles at him, Karl eventually takes his earplugs out.

Sammi: Heeey Karl! How ya doin'?

Karl: What the hell do you want?...

Sammi: Nothiiin'... OK yes. Somethin'. It's just, a possession of mine seems to have disappeared recently and I was wondering if your rotten sister had anything to do with it? (smiles) Ya know, since she had free rein of my entire house a couple nights ago??

Karl looks up and slowly starts to smile.

Karl: I knew it. She stole that ring, didn't she?

Sammi: Y-Yeah... How'd you know?

Karl: Pfft! How could I NOT know? She was flashing it around like a f*cking engagement ring last night! Slut!

Sammi quickly becomes serious and shadows over Karl.

Sammi: Where. Is. It?

Karl: She's presumably still wearing it... Hmph. Good luck getting it back now.

Sammi: Ho no. I NEED it back.

Karl: Why? It's just a stupid, cheap ring.

Sammi: I'll have you know that's a f*cking expensive ring! AND... It's not rightfully mine.

Karl: No duh, dumbass.

Sammi: Whut?...

Karl: I know fine well you nor your mom could afford that thing. It's real gold.

Sammi: (cocks brow) And my earrings aren't??

Karl: Where'd you get it then? (narrows eyes)

Sammi: Take a hint genius. I said it wasn't rightfully mine.

Karl: You stole it... Pathetic.

Sammi: You callin' ME pathetic?? Your sister stole it from ME!

Karl: A thief stealing from a thief. Pfft. You got what you deserved for being so careless, dumbass!!

Sammi: Shut up Karl! I want it BACK. NOW. And I'm returning it. Like any DECENT person would do! Unlike your sister!!

Karl: Why do you want it back so bad?

Sammi: I just SAID...

Karl: Frame Jessica. She has it (shrugs) who say's she didn't steal it in the first place?

Sammi: They saw me...

Karl: So?! Forget it! You can't and wont get it back from my bitch of a sister AND she'll get all blame if she's in possession of it! Problem f*cking solved. I'll be glad to get rid of her for a few f*cking weeks! She can rot in jail for all I care!

Sammi: ... What a lovely brother you are (deadpan)

Karl: ...I don't do favors... But I'll gladly report her for you.

Sammi: For f*ck sake-As much as I hate her AND you, why should she get the blame for something I did?? Krissie wants me to take it back and I promised her I would! For HER sake, no one else's! Now listen here, mini man! You better-

Karl: Want it? Go f*cking GET it. Coz I'm not.

Karl swiftly gets up and marches out the dining hall. Sammi takes a deep breathe and buries his face in his hands.


Karl gets out his phone and dials a short number.

Karl: I’d like to report someone in possession of stolen goods...


Jess is flunking school that morning/day, much to Karl's convenience. Her dad's at work and mom's out shopping. She's in her room, happily reading magazines and blasting pop music.

A loud knock suddenly echoes through the house. She screams then calmly goes downstairs.


She slowly opens the door, shocked to see 2 police officers before her.

Jess: Hello?... Has my brother beaten someone up or something? Haha, wouldn't be the first time!

Officer #1: Jessica Jeanry?

Jess: Y-Yeah?

He glances down at her hand, immediately seeing the $2,500 ring that was stolen from Gemini's jewelry store 2 nights ago.

Officer #1: You're under arrest for theft ma'am. You do not have to say anything as it may-

Jess: WHAT?!?!??! No! This is totally unfair, someone GAVE this to me! Seriously!

Officer #2: The owner DID say it was a young man.

Officer #1: True. Can you tell us who gave it to you?

Jess: No idea what the hell his name was! I know where he lives though! Wait! Are you gonna hand this in as evidence and junk??

Officer #1: Yes. But-

Jess: Not fair! Finder's keepers!!

Officer #2: I thought you said someone gave you it?

Jess: Yeah! He offered so I took it? Who told the police anyway?!

Officer #1: A young man called us this morning.

Jess: Oh... My god! That's why he gave it to me then! To totally get me arrested and sh*t, oh this is ridiculous!! I hate that a$$hole!

Officer #1: (rolls eyes) We're going to have to take you in for further questioning Miss Jeanry.

Jess: Seriously?? I have important sh*t to do!

Officer #1: We wont keep you long. Trust me... (rolls eyes) Part 7


Sammi's finally had enough, he asked Amilia where the hell Karl actually lives and is now making his way to Karl's house. To hopefully retrieve the ring and confess to the police.

He rings the doorbell then hears muffled shouting. Someone finally answers.

???: W-Who is it?!

Sammi: I'm a... (rolls eyes) friend. Of Karl's! Just, dropping by.

The door opens. It's Charlotte, Karl's mom, her eyes are red from crying and she looks distraught. She smiles, regardless.

Charlotte: Oh hello... Um, oh yes, Karl's upstairs! W-What was your name again?

Sammi: Sammi.

Charlotte: Oooh yes! Karl's mentioned you... Once. I think.

Sammi: Y-Yeah. Something happened or you been cookin' onions? (nervous laugh)

Charlotte bursts into tears then blows her nose. Her husband, Chris comes to the door.

Chris: Who on Earth are you??

Sammi: Sammi, sir... Your err, daughter, babysat my li'l brother the other day? I was just-

Chris: WHAT?!?! Wait a minute, are you the brat who reported her to the police?! She just called saying you ratted-

Sammi: Police??? Wait whut?!?!! Where is she?

Chris: Oh never you mind! It's YOUR damn fault they've arrested her!! In fact...

Chris swiftly grabs Sammi's arm. Sammi yells, surprised by his firm grip. He drags him into the hallway and dials the cops.

Sammi: What the-Get the HELL off me! She's been arrested? W-what for?...

Chris: You KNOW what for! Hello police?

Sammi: Whoawhoawhoa wait!!

In a panic Sammi snatches the phone from Chris and slams it back down. Chris fumes at him.

Sammi: Easyyyyyyyy... Sir. Just let me explain, OK?



Chris bursts open the doors, dragging Sammi behind him.

Officer #3: ... Can I help you?

Chris: Here's your damn jewelry thief!! Now release my daughter immediately!!!! (slams fist on desk)

Officer #3: Calm down sir... We can't just take your word, ya know, haha.

Chris: I know that... (grinds teeth)

Sammi takes a deep breathe. Feeling relieved to admit it.

Sammi: I stole the damn ring.

Officer #3: Huh? Oooooh from Gemini's?? (eyes him) HAHA! I wondered why on Earth they dragged a girl in here earlier. Well, you coulda been a girl with that hair... And earrings! (laughs)

Sammi: Mhmmmm.

Officer #3: Nah but seriously! I knew they had the wrong 'guy'. What a bunch of idiots, honestly!

Chris: Well?? Arrest him!

Officer #3: (shrugs) Got any proof?

Sammi: (smirks) I have the f*cking box! I'm happily admitting this OK?? I'm not doing it coz this guy's pulling me around like a toy!

Chris lets go of his arm, snarling.

Officer #3: Direct confession? Heh, OK. You'll be locked up over night.

Chris and Sammi blink.

Sammi: One night? Seriously?...

Chris: He committed an horrific crime!! He should get months!

Officer #3: (laughs) Item was recovered, he admitted it. He gets off easy! And c'mon old man, an horrific crime would be rape, murder etc. hahaha!

Chris: Old man?! I'll have you know-Oh forget it! Where's my daughter! I demand to see her!

Sammi: But... There was cops everywhere that night. My mom and her boyfriend were stuck in traffic for hours coz-

Officer #3: Hahahhaa! That was nothing to do with Gemini's lad. Some maniac just robbed a video game store and was about to do a Grand theft auto on us! We had to close off most the roads as a safety precaution.

Sammi (Thinks): So this... Wasn't as big of a f*cking deal as I thought it was... All this God damn fuss for one night?!???!?!??! The hell...


Jess: You a$$hole!! Giving me your stolen sh*t!

Sammi: I never GAVE you it. Admit it (stern stare)

Jess: Uuuugh! Fine! He never. But how did it end up in my bag huh, you jerk?!

Sammi: (smiles and whispers) Well, I was gonna frame you, to be honest. Wish I had.

Jess: F*ck you! You little-!!

Chris: Language Jessica! And you have explaining to do! How long have you been babysitting?! We give you plenty allowance! How dare you...

Chris 'gently' pulls her down the hallway as he rambles on and on at her. Sammi sniggers to himself.

Sammi (Thinks): Least you get SOME revenge on your sister Karl.

The officer opens a cell door. The cell's pretty dirty and smells like eggs... for some reason.

Officer #3: OK lad, here's your lovely comfy room for the night! You get one phone call first.

Sammi: Err, can I have 2?

Officer #3: Mom and girlfriend?

Sammi: How did-?

Officer #3: Haha, most guys your age call the same people!

Sammi: Ha, I see. Thanks.

The officer lazily walks back to the front desk. Sammi heads to the payphone.

Sammi (Thinks): (smiles to self) F*ck... At least it's only overnight. For an apparently petty crime... I was just over thinking, as usual. Anyway, jail... Ain't so bad. Depends what you’re in for, now doesn't it? I gotta admit I'm relieved I got off so easy... Still, there's no way in hell I'm going through this again.

He calls his mom first, taking about half an hour to explain everything and calm her down. She sounds shocked at first, but is glad he came clean. He also promises he'll never do such a thing again. Sammi hopes Krissie has the same reaction.

He takes a breathe and calls Krissie. She's on her break and chatting to Kexi, but eagerly goes to one side when she sees Sammi's calling.

Sammi: Hey babe...

Krissie: Oh heeey! Where are you? Wasting your free minutes on me? Haha, what ya doin' hmm?

Sammi: (hesitates)... Calling you with my last free call from a payphone from the police station?

The line goes dead a moment.

Krissie: You confessed?

Sammi: Obviously.

Krissie: But Sammi you could be jailed for-!!!

Sammi: One night. I can't believe my luck, to be honest.

Krissie: S-seriously? Goodness...

Sammi: Anyway... As corny as this sounds; I wouldn't have cared how long I'd have to be in here. I confessed for you Krissie... I knew what I did was stupid. But you actually shouting at me and telling me it was stupid, just made me feel worse. I had to. For you. That... F*cking ring, would have only been a reminder of my stupidity and guilt. Nothing more. You deserve a true gift.

Krissie: True gift huh? And what might that be?

Sammi: ... My love?

Krissie sniggers and bites her lip.

Krissie: Oh you corny idiot!

Sammi: That's me!

Krissie: Well. Guess I'll see you tomorrow, and if you don't turn up at school, I'll know where you are! Never know, once they lock you up they might keep you in there, hahaha!

Sammi: (smirks) Ahaaa... Don't put ideas in their heads babe.

Krissie: Seriously though. I'm so glad you came clean! Even though the consequences could of been much worse, heh... You're such an honest guy Sammi, you really are! I admire that about you...

Sammi just smiles to himself. The officer suddenly shouts; Time's up!

Sammi: For f*ck-

Krissie: Alas, we must part! Haha, love ya, see ya soon Sammi!

Sammi: Love you too babe...

Sunday, September 30, 2012


I mean err, info~

This folder currently holds a huge amount of notes, references and information about EH, so yeah, if that wasn't cool enough, LOOK AT IT, surely the most gorgeous design in the universe <333333 big, bold, bright, cartoony, everything I LOVE. Complete perfection~
I nom this folder so much. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sammi's family concepts~

Some quick sketches of Sammi's household: Kevin and Kyle Hudgens and his mom Akzeta (ack-zeh-tah) Clanes~

Some info: So the 'story' is that Akzeta met Kevin at a group meeting thing for people dealing with grief, mainly from losing a husband/wife. The only reason she goes at all is coz Sonia (Jason's mom) convinces her to. So Kevin and her met, got talking, fancied each other, blah. Realized they both had sons and stuff and felt they could help each other out and create a new life. Akzeta's still vulnerable and head-over-heels so within 6 months of meeting Kevin and Kyle they moved in with Akzeta and Sammi. Sammi wasn't keen on the idea, or Kevin for that matter, but soon developed a strong bond with Kevin's son Kyle. Sammi was 15 1/2 when all this occurred, and since then he's wanted and adored kids lol, thanks to Kyle.

Akzeta's just about getting back on track with her life and is studying law at University (again, quit coz family) and hopes to get a good job afterwards. In the mean time, Kevin works as an estate agent and provides for them all. Akzeta was somewhat struggling, emotionally and financially before Kevin moved in. Thus he decided to live with her and help out and stuff. Who knows for how long...

Sammi keeps his distance from Kevin, not fully caring nor trusting him. He's happy to see Kevin help his mom out, keep her company and care for her, but wonders what Kevin's really getting out of it... apart from affection in return. Lol, Sammi over thinks... or does he?? Mwhhahaha, heh-hem.

So yep, here's Sammi's somewhat WIP family c:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Trade: I'm sorry~

Her amazing main couple from her obviously epic comic; Reqes and Alison!! <333 I adore these 2 ;u; they have an intriguing, tense relationship I imagine, hehe. Regardless of their troubled pasts and crazy families, they find a way to love and protect each other *cutenessoverload* NOM~

 Feels like I haven't shaded anything for ages, heh e3o was a li'l rusty. Thankfully it came out decent. I just had to include blood splat in le BG. Oh the drama :XD:

SOM © =Speedeh

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Little alternative outfit I'm considering making her main outfit X'D... *slapped* or yeah, just alternative.

Where do I start?/Do you even read my rambling?? Lol anyway. I ADORE Krissie's eye color and have wanted to use it in her clothes color scheme for a while now *u*
After this pic [link] I almost always imagined her in a blazer top, it's just so HER <3333 or maybe I just prefer layers 8U most my cast has jacket/top layer of some kind for color contrast... Yep.
Random peep-toes of doom!! 8D... Are probably not part of main outfit XD but are very cute and I sketched in her toes by accident. Woops OuO
Blah anyway, I'm always doodling her in various outfits, she's like my little Barbie doll <33 *cough* only sexier.

I don't think I've ever drawn her 'beautiful smile' correctly >.< but she looks pretty good here I think~
Yet again I rough-doodled the pose first, really helps guys figures out where every limb is and stuff.
MIIIINT. That is all. Tis a divine color~ *noms*
Hope you love it xx

Emerald High © ~Pinkaila 2012.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Avvie comms 1

Updated: 15/9/2012

Here's your avatar commissions!!
Coz nothing is more rewarding than drawing things for other people, seriously lol 8'U

Leroy - True Justice © =DatumShark
GM - GM the Hero © ~gilster262
Herself © *Hai-Kulture
Brad - Stoned to Death © =Stonedtodeath
Charles - Mad Teens © *mystique-cake
Herself © =Speedeh

Want one? Watch out for a journal update: [link] !!
Though I may raise the price next time 8D *slapped*
Hope you love them xx

Artwork © ~Pinkaila 2012.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Don't wake me up...

Does this make up for the fact I haven't drawn Sammi in a looooooooooooong time? :XD: *slapped so hard*
Apart from that crossdress pic of course lol.

Completely inspired by Chris Brown's 'Don't wake me up'!! Asdfghjkl, that song is amazing <33333 the moment I heard it I imagined Sammi just chillin' in his room 8U coz he's cool like that~

So yeah, meet half of Sammi's room I always had a vague idea of what it would look like; Smallish, darkish, not very cluttered I wanted more crap on the book/game case but wasn't sure what OTL cream walls coz his mom thinks his room's too dark as is >u>
Hehe, you can see how crazy he is over Krissie, he probably has a box full of photos of her... Coz he's not obsessed like that. Nope. He's obviously been raiding my gallery -u- That boxing poster is possibly my fav pic of him so far, hehe <33

 I doodled this in my sketch book of crapness first, but even the doodle was beyond epic so I just HAD to draw it properly!!! most detailed BG I've EVER done thus far!! *cutenessoverloadplz* So proud right now and once I started on the details I almost couldn't stop lol. His pose was... Scarily easy to do the second time round. Coloring took forever. Ce la vie, BGs are something I must conquer, mwhahahhaah!! >8U
Hope you love it xx

Emerald High © ~Pinkaila 2012.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Trade: Double trouble

His delicious twins from his awesometastic comic, ahuhuu eue they're gorgeous, especially Amber <3 *slapped by Tamber* and very different, which I totally adore ;D

So glad the poses turned out good first time round 8U I'm getting quite good at poses and I have no idea how lol.
Pleasure drawing them dude >u<
Here's his half [link] <3333333
Hope you love it xx

Flyger © *flygerXamber 2012.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Gift: Da man

His totally beyond all epic coolness character Damien!! *kicked to death* I mean D-Mon :3
He's just awesome. The end 8U
Hope you love it xx

D Fighters © ~d-latt 2012.


Originally written/started: 30th May

Just a little story that I actually planned an ending for. Woo :XD:
About Krissie, her friends and her enemies :dummy:
Thanks for reading :heart:
Hope you love it :la: xx

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Part 1


Krissie and Kexi have finished their lunches and are just happily chatting before their next class.
Dan rushes past them but comes speeding back. A pile of papers in his hand.

Dan: HEY! Did ya hear? Emerald High Scoops Magazine is free today! Get 'em before they're old news!

Kexi: Pfft, they're old news anyway.

Dan throws one in Kexi's face and runs off again.

Kexi: Ack! That little...

Krissie's just about to take a drink. Her eyes widen as she sees a small photo of herself on the cover next to "Top 10 sluts of Emerald High school!"

Krissie slams her cup on the table, snarling.


Kexi: (taken aback) W-whoa chill, what?

Krissie: LOOK at this! (shoves in Kexi's face) UGH! I hated that rotten girl enough after she printed bullsh*t about my mom, but THIS?? (tries to rip magazine) She doesn't even KNOW me that stupid, pathetic, spiteful!!!-

Kexi: Caaaaaaaaaalm down (she grasps Krissie's wrists)... Calling her bad names won't get you anywhere Kris. What happened to "I don't care what anyone thinks"?

Krissie: I don't... but there's a limit damn it.

Kexi: Hmph, yeah... I say take an hour to relax then go confront the bitch. Heh, she has NO right to even USE your photo without permission anyway.

Krissie: I mean c'mon! Regardless of the header, that's a lovely photo! I'm smiling and everything! How on EARTH could she call me that?? (fights tears)

Kexi: Coz she's f*ck ugly? (laughs)

Krissie starts laughing with her, but sheds tears.

Kexi: F*ck her to hell. You're a beautiful person, Kris, inside and out.

Krissie: Daaaw, thanks for ruining my mascara honey! (black streams down her cheeks)

Kexi: Hehe, c'mon.

Kexi gets up and heads to the restroom, Krissie follows her.


Atelle: You give her it? (sly smile)

Dan: Eee-yup!

Atelle: Well? How'd she react huh? Did she cry? Stupid blond! HAHAHAHA!!

Dan: She nearly smashed the table, THEN she cried.

Atelle: OH PRICELESS!! Wish I coulda been there!

Dan: Why weren't ya then?

Atelle: Her gay friend woulda HIT ME!

Dan: Kexi's never hurt anyone, has she? (eyes peeping above desk, is 11 lol)

Atelle: So? She LOOKS dangerous. Krissie LOOKS stupid.

Dan: You LOOK like a man!

Atelle: Say whaat?!?!!? (pounds fists on desk)

Dan: D-don't shoot the messenger! (guards head)

Atelle: Grrrr, so that's what everyone thinks huh? They're just jealous I have my own Magazine!

Dan: (smiling) Actually, everyone hates your magazine, coz all it does is insult people and-

Atelle shadows over him, growling.

Dan: And-and... I'll go... Spread more fake gossip, huh? (gulps)

Atelle: (smiles) You do that...

He scurries out the room.

Part 2


Alicia stares at Krissie, her lips tight, looking quite suspicious at her. Krissie looks up from her work.

Krissie: (sighs) Alicia, I'm fine.

Alicia: You sure? If I was called a slut I'd be absolutely horri-

Krissie: Forget it! I'm sorting it out later. Please Alicia, I just calmed down over this... (goes back to writing)

Kexi's on the other side of Krissie. She waves her hand to her neck.

Alicia sulks, not wanting to just avoid the subject.

Kexi shrugs her shoulders and smiles.

Alicia sticks out her tongue, rather meanly.

Kexi sticks out hers, revealing a tongue piercing. Alicia blinks wildly, in shock.

Kexi licks her lips, smiling. Alicia blushes, staring into her eyes.

They notice Krissie glancing at them both. She rolls her eyes, grinning. They all start laughing.


Kexi: So err, you gonna murder Atelle? I'll happily help (smirks)

Krissie: PFFFFFTT!! She can rot in hell! Forget it! HA! C'mon, lets get our sexy asses down to the mall, ladies!

Alicia: OK...

Kexi: Aaw, I was looking forward to seeing her crumble at your feet (grins)

Krissie: Everyone knows whatever she prints is total, utter crap anyway!

They make a sharp turn around the corner. Bumping into guess who.

Atelle: Oh hi Kristina! You see my article?

Krissie: Hmph, define 'see'.

Atelle: You only looked at the cover didn’t you?

Kexi and Alicia exchange suspicious looks.

Atelle: I wrote some lovely things about you, you know, shame you didn't bother reading (sly smile).

Krissie: Liar. Get out the way.

Atelle: Hmph, I really did. About how pretty and smart you are.

Krissie: (eyes shut) You don't even KNOW me. Thus your opinion, whether good or bad, means completely nothing. Leave me alone, I dislike you.

Krissie links her friend's arms and pushes past Atelle. Kexi turns around and sticks her tongue out.

Krissie: Oh now you're just showing that off, hahaha!

Atelle watches them as they walk off down the hallway.

Atelle: Ugh... Why is she so damn perfect? Even her BUTT is perfect (grumbles).


Krissie and Kexi are watching a movie and eating cookies.

Krissie: (chewing) Ya know... Nearly all Magazine's do is spread crap about people... Whether school, Hollywood, um, whatever else there is... Why hasn't anyone made just, ya know, a NICE Magazine?

Kexi: (also chewing) Mmm... I heard somewhere it's a lot easier to be mean than nice. True really.

Krissie: Ha! Really? I'm always nice to people, even if I detest their f*cking guts I simply say I dislike them. I only treat people the way I like to be treat, after all: With respect.

Kexi: Hell yeah sister (glued to TV)

Krissie sighs and slumps back. Then she hangs her jaw.

Krissie: Why don't WE make a nice Magazine?? Oh it would be amazing! (screeches)

Kexi: Heh, seriously? How? I've never even took Media classes.

Krissie: Media Shmedia! It's easy! Oh damn, we NEED to do this now! I'm so hyped!

Kexi: Chiiiiill, hehe, would be awesome though! So err, I get my own page right?

Krissie: OH! Everyone gets their own page hon! Well, by everyone I mean my closest friends. Surely we can make even a 20 page mag, it would be so amazing! And cheap!

They both slowly stare then beam at each other.

Kexi: Lets do this sh*t!

They high five and jump off the sofa, rushing off screen and up the stairs to plot evil. I mean, magazines.


Part 3


Atelle is watching a horror movie on her big TV. Someone on screen screams as their head is sliced clean off. Atelle laughs her head off.

Atelle: Ha! These movies are so crap!

Dan comes bursting through the door, a magazine in hand. He slams it on Atelle's desk.

Atelle: What the hell!! Can you at least knock, geez!

Dan: Hey! Did ya hear? Kristina Corrianne and Kirsty Lieroner are producing a new gossip magazine!

Atelle: The what??? I mean, err, I can see that you idiot, you just slapped it on my desk! (she reads the title) Posirazzi? What a stupid name... what does-

Dan: Positive Paparazzi equals Posirazzi! (grins)

Atelle: Ha! As if it'll sell with a name like that, I can't even say it prop-proplee-propper-properly? (shakes head) Whatever!

Dan: Actually it's been selling all morning! They only had 200 copies and they're sold out!

Atelle: Morning?? It's 1pm NOW Daniel! What have you-??

Dan: Reading... It (adorable smile)

Atelle: Backstabber!! (slams fist on desk)

Dan screeches and runs out before she even gets up.

Atelle: That blond rat thinks she can put me outta business hmm?

She glares at the Magazine and pouts. Looks around, then sits down to look through it.


Kexi: We MAY need more copies, hehe.

Krissie: We need more paper first hon, ha, this is madness! I wonder how they're selling so quick actually...

Daisy suddenly appears out the crowd with a megaphone in her hand.

Daisy: Get your Posirazzi Magaziiiiine!! Cheap as chocolate and full of delicious gossip for you to devour!

Kexi and Krissie blink.

Kexi: That's... one way to sell stuff (smirks)

Krissie: I shoulda guessed (rolls eyes) since she knows at least 98% of the students in this school, ha! But seriously, how sweet of her! Hey Daisy!!

Daisy leaps over to them, nearly knocking their table over.

Daisy: Thought I'd SPREAD the neeews!! Get it? (huge grin)

Krissie and Kexi glance at each other.

Daisy: Chocolate! Chocolate spread! Spread news, spread chocolate! Chocolate for everyone!!

Krissie: We're selling Magazines not chocolate honey.

Daisy: OH MY GOD!! How about FREE chocolate when you buy the Magazine! Everyone would totally buy them then!!

Kexi: That's a pretty good idea actually, hehe.

Krissie: Daisy hon, we appreciate your help, but we don't even HAVE any left now. Thanks to you!... Um, so yeah, thanks honey?

Atelle suddenly comes marching through the crowd around their table. Pushing people out her way.

Atelle: What do you think you're doing?!

Daisy: Giving out chocolate!!

Daisy nearly deafens her with the megaphone. Atelle slaps it out Daisy's hand.

Daisy: (blinks)... (steams) HEY! You big nasty girl! Who do you think you are?? I was using that! You don't just smack people with your huge, gross hands for no reason!!! And you totally stink of cheeeeese! Like eeeeew!!

Kexi: You tell her Daze!

Krissie laughs loudly with Kexi. Atelle narrows her eyes.

Atelle: Whatever! You wont last a week, HA! Publishing a magazine takes hard work and dedication!

Dan appears from nowhere.

Dan: HEY! Did ya hear? Atelle pays students from English classes to type up her articles!

Atelle: SHUT. UP!

She pushes him over, but he hops back up and runs away again.

Daisy: Don't push him!! Poor little guuuuuy! He's so tiny and defenseless against your huge, manly, ugliness!! (sticks tongue out)

Atelle: Ugh! You little rat! (raises fist)

Krissie: You DARE touch her Atelle... And I'll go straight to Jameson.

Atelle: HA! Everyone knows he's useless! And this little rat isn't worth my time. So excuse me LADIES, I have a magazine to make.

Atelle marches off, nose in the air.

Daisy: I hate heeeeer!

Krissie: We ALL do honey, haha.

Part 4


Alicia is sat reading a Emerald High Scoops magazine. The one with the 'Top 10 sluts' feature on the front. She finally gets to the said article and holds it closer, she darts her eyes around the page and blinks wildly.

A few sentences (that Atelle wrote) catch her eye:
<i>I think we can all agree that Samuel Clanes Jr is only dating Krissie for her looks and bank balance. She's obviously a shallow, vain girl who loves messing with popular boy's heads.</i>

Alicia (VO/Thinks): Goodness... Maybe I should tell Krissie... But half the school probably knows by now... Don't they? Hmph, not sure who buys this childish magazine anyway.

She gets up and contemplates throwing it in the trash. She hesitates... then slips it into her shoulder bag. She starts walking.

Alicia (VO): I wonder if they DO really love each other... Krissie doesn't even seem like the type to have a boyfriend. Girls in relationships are usually so... needy. I don't know about Sammi... He seems too insulting and cold, as far as I'm concerned. Though everyone seems to like him... Including Kexi. I suppose I should trust her instincts... (pouts and furrows brow)



Krissie and Kexi are just chatting now. They've sold out of magazines and have begun a preorder list for next week's issue. There's a small queue waiting to sign it.

Alicia appears nearby. She stares at Krissie for a while then calmly walks over to them.

Alicia: What... Started this idea anyway?

Kexi: Oh hey 'Lic! Err, Atelle did? Hehe.

Krissie: HA! I almost forgot about her actually. Perhaps I should thank her for giving me amazing ideas!

Alicia: Mmmm... Do you even KNOW what she wrote about you?

Krissie: Nope! And I don't care now. No one reads her silly mag anyways.

Alicia: (blank) According to her, Sammi's only dating you for your looks and money.

Kexi: Pfft! Bitch. I seriously hate her now (laughs)

Kexi's face drops when she turns to Krissie however. Krissie is totally fuming. Bloodshot eyes. Lip twitching.

Kexi: Err, Kris?

Alicia: I'm only saying what she-

Krissie: I did NOT want to know what that nasty, conniving... WOMAN had to say about me or my relationship thank you very much!! Yes. Thank you Alicia, you just LOVE making me mad don't you honey? (crazy grin)

Kexi: Hey whoa! She's only-

Alicia: I just thought you'd want to know what everyone thinks.

Krissie: UGH! What EVERYONE thinks?? What on Earth is that supposed to mean?!

Krissie snarls and clenches her fists. Kexi grabs her arm to hold her back. Alicia steps back slightly, rather shocked at Krissie's reaction.

Kexi: 'Lic...

Kexi glares at her, a painful 'don't say it' look on her face.

Alicia: Atelle's not the only one who questions your relationship sometimes... (closes eyes, pouts) I've never even seen you kiss Sammi, to be honest.

Krissie pulls her arm from Kexi's grasp.

Krissie: So I don't publicly smother him in kisses all day like a, umm, what's the word, oh yeah, SLUT! (grins) He knows I love him and we keep our personal moments to ourselves, since, ya know, they're personal... (sighs) What is your problem Alicia? Seriously hon? I helped you outta Feesha's twisted gang and surprise, surprise you're more like her than I first thought, HA!

Alicia: I am NOT! (hands on hips)

Kexi: Krissie, cut her some slack. (whispers to Krissie) You know she's had some bad influences...

Krissie: That's no excuse to be inconsiderate and suspicious!

Alicia: I only wanted to tell you the truth... I don't trust Sammi. He's too-

Krissie: Sarcastic? Mysterious? Callous? HA! Oh I know honey, that's what he's like around the general public and people he dislikes! (beams) But with me he's a kind, loving, affectionate, respectful young man. FACT.

Alicia: I... (blinks) never would have guessed.

Krissie: (sighs) You're too judgmental sweetie. Listen to your heart instead of your head... Please. I'm sorry I overreacted. I really am. Ha, it's been a crazy week... (rubs head)

Alicia: It's... alright. And you're right, I don't know him well enough... I shouldn't judge like that... I better get back to class anyway.

Alicia calmly walks off.

Kexi: Kris, what the hell? (nervous laugh)

Krissie: I don't know why I ever trusted her Kexi, I really don't. She seemed so... sensitive when I found crying over the way Feesha was treating her. Now? She seems so, oh I dunno! Just plain rude sometimes (folds arms).

Kexi: Yeah I know... She's still cute though (beams)

Krissie: (smiles) Please don't tell me you fancy her, seriously Kexi? There's much nicer girls than her around, ha!

Kexi: I like the troubled ones. I feel like I can help 'em (winks)

Krissie: You like playin' with fire huh? (flirty grin)

Kexi: Hell yeah, hehe.

Part 5


Atelle is sat in her office chair, looking rather messy and staring into space. Dan slowly peaks behind the door.

Dan: Are... you OK, Atelle?

Atelle: ... Do I LOOK OK?!??!! Thanks to that slut Krissie I haven't sold any magazines all week!! (bangs head on desk)

Dan: Maybe she has a point Atelle? Maybe spreading lies and nasty rumors about people ISN'T nice.

Atelle: Who the HELL gave you that idea?? If people don't wanna be bad mouthed they should be friends with me! Shouldn't they Dan?!!

She slowly rises out her seat and grins evilly. Dan smiles nervously, backs up and shoots down the hallway.

Atelle: Useless little idiot!! He is helpful though... I guess.

She flops back down in her seat and sighs. She closes her eyes for a moment.

She sniffs the air, a soft fragrance fills her head. She shoots open her eyes to find Krissie standing in her doorway.

Krissie: Mind I have a friendly chat, hon?

Atelle: Hmph. What about?? Can't you see I'm busy being depressed about the fact I have no money!

Krissie: And what do you need money for huh? Your parents work?

Atelle: Course they do!... They never give anything to me.

Krissie: Aw, you poor thing (takes a seat)

Atelle: Don't pity me with your sarcasm!!

Krissie: (sighs) I wasn't being sarcastic Atelle. I came to apologize AND to give you some advice.

Atelle: I don’t WANT your stupid advice!

Krissie: Advice can be taken or left honey (smiles). I wanted to admit that I have called you many nasty names behind your back and I apologize. As I know you're just a very troubled young lady, yeah?

Atelle: I don't want your apologies!!

Krissie: (rolls eyes) But at least I only talk bad of you to my best friends. I don't go posting it on blogs and in magazines, now do I?

Atelle:... (glares sternly)

Krissie: So, there was the apology! (grins) Now for the advice. I'm not bragging here OK, I'm just giving you some facts honey. Our magazine sold 200 copies within 3 hours. According to your lovely little friend Dan, you've only ever sold 4 within that time space...

Atelle: Your magazine was NEW! It obviously sells more!! Then people get bored with it!

Krissie: True. But I had many random people come to us saying how kind and positive our words were. How fresh it was to read something unbiased and open minded (shrugs)

Atelle: ... So! What do you want with me?!

Krissie: Nothing sweetie. Just to tell you we're quitting making it! Ha! It had it's run, well, one issue, but we have homework to do and exams coming up, ya know.

Atelle: Seriously?...

Krissie: Yep! And since you've been a rather good sport, considering what you're usually like, heh-hem, here's a free copy!

Krissie flips out the Posirazzi magazine from her bag and places it on Atelle's desk. Krissie smiles kindly and walks out.

Atelle: (VO/Thinks): I've already glanced through the damn thing! It's all lying and mush!...

She opens at a random page then turns a few more. She freezes. She sees a big photo of herself (taken from her office by Dan probably) with a whole page dedicated to her.

It reads:
<i>I'd like to dedicate this article to someone who inspired me to create this magazine; Atelle Vaneesha! Many of us know her for her own magazine; Emerald High Scoops. But do we really know the real her? I feel she's been terribly misjudged, as she is simply a troubled young lady who could do with more love and appreciation. She's a skilled writer with a wonderful eye for publishing and design. She may be rather mean with her words but it's the only way she can express herself, I feel. Somewhere in her, like all of us, is a beautiful, kind person. Being kind to others is human nature. We cannot ignore human nature our whole lives, we must give in to it eventually. So next time you think you know someone, take into consideration that they may have their own personal problems in their lives.

We even have some kind quotes from Atelle's Elementary school friends! That we managed to track down.
"She was such an awesome, funny girl! She'd brighten up anyone's day." - Jenny Harper
"She was so outgoing and happy, from what I remember. Cool girl!" - Will Cartwright
"She was my best friend ever! I loved her so so much! I was so distraught when she moved away. Tell her I miss her!" - Samantha Freeman</i>

... Atelle is sat smiling as she reads, tears streaming down her face.